Why does my toddler hit me but not daddy.
Why does your toddler hit himself in the head? 1.
Why does my toddler hit me but not daddy. You are so mad at me you want to pull my hair.
Why does my toddler hit me but not daddy Here are some tips you may find helpful: Try not to overreact. This provides a visual reminder of the rules and consequences. Stressing yourself out by trying to think perfectly all the time may interfere with what is actually important, which is to not act on that thought. I don't want to spank my toddler but I was "thisclose" to spanking him 2 hours ago. she came out of Jan 26, 2012 · Some may rationalize that anger is a good thing and a child must be allowed to vent his anger and even behave wildly, because such behavior is an expression of how the child is feeling. Play games in which the two of them Jan 21, 2025 · Why does my autistic child keep hitting me? Children with autism can engage in physically aggressive behavior for a variety of reasons, such as to gain access to a desired item, express anger when a desired item is removed, avoidance tactics, or sensory overload. Regardless of why a toddler is self-hitting, it may become too intense, happen too often or cause concern for caregivers. Since some of you don’t understand this- YOU DO NOT HIT YOUR KIDS, full stop. This kind of stuff happens. Truth: It's not. But when they talked to my ex wife about it she freely admitted to spanking. I think you will find that way more parents and caregivers go through this than speak out about it! I know that my son hits me and (sometimes) my husband when he is overtired and/or feeling overstimulated. Jun 13, 2013 · Mom does not use the time in the bathroom to review all the reasons her child is a mean brat who is on track to become a criminal. It feels worse when they do it to us and not our partner, and our husband cannot help but stifle a laugh when this happens. Jan 3, 2022 · Rather than giving the hitting too much attention– which includes the negative attention of a loud "No!"– Amy suggests Dr. For us, I stay home with my daughter and am primary caregiver. Judy Iliev, a mom of two in Athens, Georgia, tries to be as proactive a parent as possible. In order to guide effectively, parents need to be the authority in a child's life and not vice versa. The laws on child abuse are very different, depending on where you live. Crabs like Pinchy pinch. ” Discover the reasons behind your baby's hitting behavior and learn effective strategies to address it. Introduce him to Pinchy, a crab who pinches. Here are more tips on how to stop a child from hitting a parent: 1. Toddler. One last point about two year olds. How my Dad hit me and pulled my hair. There is zero excuse that would justify hitting your child. ” Truth: You are not a bad parent. Lisa5201/E+/Getty Images. . " And I just get up and put her to bed. My 3rd toddler first hit me (with a huge pout face) when he wanted to nurse after I said, “not now”. Properly trained social workers will be able to tell what really happened and if your child made it up. Sep 4, 2020 · Paul went on to teach fathers about the importance of not provoking anger in their children (which is what spanking usually does): “Fathers, do not exasperate your children” (Eph. Jan 10, 2024 · Read more: Why Does My Toddler Hit Me but Not Daddy? Using Goally’s task management features, you can set expectations and track your child’s progress in adhering to these boundaries. After that beating I wish I would have snuck out-ha) While my dad was throwing 17 year old me, a 100 pound female, across the room and smacking the tar out of me, my mom would be yelling “hit her again! She’s just a little bitch” I spent many many years being angry and resentful. She coincidentally seems to be the only one to remembers this, never mind the fact that if it did happen, she’s an A+ person for signing over custody. Oct 28, 2023 · Find new activities for the two of you to do together. If you're wondering why your toddler only acts Jul 4, 2024 · One of the most perplexing questions is “Why does my toddler hit me but not daddy?” Toddlers are known to hit their mothers (or primary caregiver) more often than other caregivers. Choosing to act on it would be, but thinking something bad does not mean you’ve caused violence. He seems to do it to just test us. Or, parents respond to hitting with more hitting, which may appear to "work" in the moment, but in the long-term just teaches the idea that the person who can hit the hardest 11. Stay in the Background. I've given her a light smack approximately 3 times in the spur of the moment before seeking professional help for my mental health and anger management. Oct 12, 2024 · Look for signs of physical injury. Jan 20, 2020 · Don’t believe these common myths about why kids hit or bite: The behavior is always purposeful. This article uncovers the reasons behind this common issue, from emotional struggles to attention-seeking. They knew it would be awful to lose their own kids. " And she immediately does it again. Who does my child remind me of when he/she tries to hit me? What is one behavior of my child that is the most difficult for me to stay calm in the face of? How hard is it for me to listen to my child cry? How hard is it for me to listen to my child raging with anger? Everybody gets angry every once in a while, and that’s OK. You offer a way out. My father on the other hand first hit me when I was 3 years old. Or if granny is 100% not there. Spread the loveAt some point, you will notice your child obeys one parent more than the other. Explain: It is easy for you to say, "don't hit the baby" or "stop poking the baby's eyes" but you might be confusing your toddler. Here are a few common reasons kids may A lot of them were parents themselves and I think that made them afraid to do something. I've never been one to sit and play with her for hours for my own sanity- I couldn't deal with "mommy play with me" every minute she's awake. We don't throw. Get expert insights on managing your child's aggression towards you in a gentle and positive way. The effects of toxic parenting on children are difficult to exaggerate. On the other hand, my egg donor insists my adoptive dad (Her stepfather, as my grandparents adopted me. However small the issue, she feels that something absolutely vital to her is being threatened, and she has no Sep 28, 2011 · A lot of parents seem to think it is okay to spank their child when the child isn't behaving the way they want them to, but then they expect their child not to hit anyone. If your child hits you and you spank him or discipline him by force, you'll only teach him that aggression is an acceptable way to express his feelings or to get what he wants. Hope my mom and I hope my dad Will figure out why they get so mad Hear them scream, I hear them fight Say bad words that make me want to cry. “You do too!” he shouted. Let all of that go. It’s hard not to feel rejected (and kind of dejected) when your child favors your partner — or to feel a bit guilty or smug if you’re the one being worshiped. Sometimes when he is sitting on our lap playing, he will out of nowhere smack us in the face too and laugh. Truth: The child is not. There are many other ways to encourage the sibling bond. You are mad I was gone. It's just so aggravating. You can say, “boys/girls do not pinch. stress reactions do a lot to us, especially in situations like that (i don’t wear May 5, 2021 · Why toddlers hit themselves. In fact, many psychologists even believe it is natural. What to do when your toddler refuses to leave the park or a playdate. Even I would go in her room and try to calm her down. If people think parenting and marriage are hard, they should try co-parenting. I’m naturally a nurturer. “Juice!” And I ask her to get her cup for me which she will refuse to do because she’s left it somewhere and refuses to actually look for it. I don't know what to do. If you don’t react wildly (and as long as your toddler isn’t witnessing hitting in their daily life), the hitting experiments will play themselves out. And because of that, he feels the same. I was lazy and never lived up to my potential. Aug 29, 2023 · But I was realizing that deep in my child's burgeoning psyche, he loved me, and the more I inserted myself, the more he was reminded of that love. Kid's gotta a funny way of letting me know he likes me ;) Thanks for your help, r/parenting Feb 9, 2023 · Your instinct may be to physically hold your toddler back when they are trying to hit others. 3:21). My son started crying as SO passed by and said “SO hit me!” This was a very scary experience for my SO because his ex had falsely accused him of abuse and child abuse to hurt him during meditation. Verifying that you are not a robot Feb 1, 2013 · Most toddlers enjoy a predictable routine. By understanding why toddlers hit and implementing appropriate strategies, parents can effectively manage their child’s behaviors, promote healthy development, and strengthen their relationship with their child. It can be difficult in the moment not to react impulsively if your child hits you. Sep 19, 2014 · Here are seven things you need to keep in mind about physical discipline. Instead, she tenderly washes her arm to calm the wounded child If he resists the hug, or pulls your hair, say "You are so mad at me that you don't want a hug. I touched where she hit me (my face) and I said ouch! That really hurt, I looked very upset almost crying. It also turns out that I have ADHD. Now I am a parent to a 2yo, I do not believe that there is a reason to hit your child. I don't get it. Oct 31, 2024 · What to do (or not do) if a toddler is hitting themselves. Rather than feeling defeated when your kids seem to behave more with your spouse than they do with you, consider the following reasons why this may be Yeah my dad used to hit me. Ensure your little one gets to spend more time with his father and with other family members. Jan 15, 2023 · An example of how I handled my toddler hitting me. This happens when his Grandma and Grandpa come to babysit almost every weekday and happens a lot with my wife lately. Again, you’ll get way better at recognizing your little one’s “tells” as you spend more time Oct 25, 2021 · Let your child play with a soft toy that has pinchers. When my boyfriend gets annoyed at anything (it could be the wall) I get scared. Do not try to keep his child away from him, because you are mad he is with someone else. Jan 18, 2023 · When your child hits you, whether it's the first time or one of many, your response is crucial as it will shape your child's behaviour and have an influence on whether they hit you again in the future. Jun 25, 2024 · “When experiencing a big emotion, help your child identify the emotion. 5 my SO (not the dad) walked by him. I’m their mother. I grabbed that hand and said NO I can not let you hit me. ), violently beat her and the rest of her siblings growing up. However, when your little one becomes more mobile, you might notice them being mean to the dog and you may not know what to do. Dec 16, 2018 · WHY DO TODDLERS HIT? Toddlers hit for a variety of reasons. Keep up the communication channel between you and your child, so he can always be assured of your support and unconditional love. When your toddler starts pinching, reinforce the idea that only crabs pinch. Recently I've been on a work trip and dad looked after him and he was very happy and well balanced, I was My daughter slapped me. We often see kids hitting others, but there are times when they take out their frustration on themselves. A study published in 2017 discovered a link between spanking and behavioral issues. Of course Aug 5, 2024 · Why are my children hitting, and what the heck should I do about it? We have answers to your questions on the whys and best ways to discipline if your child hits. In your particular situation, it is likely it would be difficult to unravel all the subtle nuances of the current "game" being played between the three of you, but at the end of the day, it is better not to try to find your way out of this psychological maze; just stop paying attention to the child unless he has a legitimate need, and the Aug 24, 2017 · "An angry child is one who is quite frightened and sad underneath her tough stance. Learn effective strategies for communication, positive discipline, and fostering emotional development. It's a stage, but it's an unpleasant one! Nov 14, 2024 · Your child needs you to help them change rather than demand they change. May 6, 2021 · Towner says, “Have your child hit a pillow, stuffed animal, or other soft objects. Harvey Karp's "gossiping" technique, which will enable your toddler to learn why hitting is not okay without being distracted by your anger or his shame. no sooner did I get up to go get her my 4 year old started screaming no, no, no, on and on. In this situation I couldn’t nurse, even if he did end up being polite. Jan 1, 2021 · The three-year-old looked up as if on cue. MENU. And do not hurt the father of your child, because you feel that he has hurt you. Instead, take your child's hands and say, "No hitting. I can't really say why your son reacts the way he does, I'm not him and know nothing about your relationship and interactions. ” You help to repair the rupture made when your child hit; he isn’t expected to woo you back. If they get hurt, I’m the first one they run to, not their dad. Find solutions to this common parenting concern with our comprehensive guide on 'Why Does My Baby Hit Me'. Discover how parenting styles and environmental influences shape behavior, and understand when to Feb 20, 2024 · Hearing your child say "I don't like Daddy" can be heart-wrenching, but experts say it's a common phase that won't last forever. the first time it scared me because she just continued to cry and scream for me although I was right next to her. Just keep their arm from landing on you or anyone else. When I was an adult I posted about the abuse on Facebook. well tonight she woke up crying as I thought it was her 1 year old sister. 2) parents who openly and proudly admit they hit you and still believe that corporal punishment is the only proper way to raise a child (my dad). Understanding and Empathy: Key Components for Success Sep 17, 2016 · Both my parents hit me. This can be an errand that you do together, like grocery shopping or going to the car wash. He didn’t get what he wanted and lashed out with emotion. You were sad inside. Frustration. Learn effective strategies to guide your child towards positive expression, set clear boundaries, and create a calm environment. S. He’s an only child, and me and his dad are both “default” caregivers—as in there’s no primary parent and we both put in 100% and both work full-time. When my son was 3. Kiss on the head, walk out. Of course not. So I say "I won't let you hurt me. He gives me every version of himself without restraint—his goofiness, his short-temperedness, his stubbornness, his lovingness. I saw the entire interaction so I know 100% that my partner did NOT hit my son. Oct 24, 2024 · Is your toddler hitting you and leaving you puzzled? Discover the reasons behind this challenging behavior in our insightful article. A tale as old as time. Mudd. I shouldn’t give in so easily, and I know it’s my weakness. DO NOT spank or hit your child. I have been reduced to tears more than a few, I feel your pain. You might be surprised to learn that this is an expression of trust. Do not go trying to make him be a father to a child he does not want to be a father to. Your toddler is likely trying to figure out how to play but doesn't how to properly socialize with the baby. I was having a great time banging the front door knocker and I was told off a few times by my granddad but when Why does your toddler hit himself in the head? 1. “The best thing you can Oct 24, 2024 · Navigating toddler behavior can be challenging, especially when your little one hits. However, they are present in a child's life to nurture and guide their young. Getting your child to their car seat (carrying them, if they're having a meltdown) to go home. The child is spiteful. Daddy will only do when mummy is 100% definitely not there. My son is going to be 3 in July and in the last 6 weeks he’s started to hit. Mar 10, 2023 · This can be demonstrated by a dad reading a story to the child on a daily basis. HOWEVER, I have hit my child in the past, I'm ashamed to say. Mar 1, 2016 · My kids have known me long enough to know this. I wasn’t a naughty child but occasionally displeased them. I'll say "please don't hit mama, that hurts. " If he keeps throwing things, you can say "You are so mad at me that you are throwing. Understanding "Why does my toddler hit me?" is important. ” This way, your child will know what is suitable behavior. Truth: They won't. Spanking is not on that list because it will increase your child's tendency to hit and it will make your child more resentful of the baby, which can ruin your kids' relationship for life. Strollers are helpful because they ensure you can maintain control, secure your child, and keep everyone safe. In my state spanking is legal. remember, you’re not a bad person and it obviously wasn’t something you did to be cruel or punish her. Nothing happened to her. The Importance of Authority. That said, a thought is not wrong or illegal. She also yells at me to leave and that she only wants daddy. Apr 5, 2024 · The way you respond to your child's hitting is key to nipping it in the bud. Before you figure out why your toddler is hitting, it’s important to answer a few questions. If she just hadn't learned the word or didn't say it yet I'd not be bothered. Toddlers may not realize that hitting can hurt, and that's probably in part because of the fact that they don't fully develop a sense of compassion until about age 3. Never “Why does my toddler hit me but not daddy?” While we know they’re not really hitting to hurt us, it can get a little bit annoying when we’re the usual and favorite target of the hitting. Toddlers often hit as a form of expression. Mar 5, 2024 · The very fact that your child feels free to express himself in front of you is a sign that you’re doing something right. Putting your child in a stroller if you're outside the house. To me nothing ever felt right. For example, ‘You’re feeling so sad and mad because you really wanted that cereal,’” advises Dr. An aggressive child is a stressed child, but aggression is the behaviour that generally elicits the least care and empathy from adults, but sadly it’s when they need our sensitivity the most. ” Indeed, it’s important for parents to validate their kids’ feelings, explains New York psychotherapist Lesley Koeppel. While it may fill you with frustration, rest assured this is more common than you think. My two & a half year old daughter is the same with me she will happily hit me kick me scream at me all day long but does not behave like that towards my husband. I understand that to teach him self regulation, I need to regulate my emotions and not hit when angry and frustrated. If we could respond to very out of balance behaviour with some of the same qualities that we respond to physical illness, we’d Of course, this doesn't mean that when your 2-year-old hurts you, it's okay to hurt him back. This is necessary so that the child does not push dad away. There are many more ideas about how to help your child adjust to the new baby in my book Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings. She says "hi daddy" when she sees me, and my partner and I (and my teenager) will say "that's mammy not daddy" and she just looks away. Why does my toddler hit me but not Daddy? TL;DR: I flinch around my toddler bc I don't know what he's going to do to me and he doesn't exhibit this behavior with his dad. He wanted to go out […] Hitting a child with a fist, slapping a child in his face, pulling his hair or ear, pinching a child, or even using a sharp object to dissuade a child from touching something could be seen by some parents as the stimulus-response method of teaching a child that if they are disobedient the result will be painful. The one they come to for comfort. Learn effective strategies to respond calmly, set clear limits, and promote healthy emotional expression. Oct 24, 2024 · Struggling with your toddler hitting you but not daddy? This article explores the reasons behind this common behavior, shedding light on developmental stages, emotional expression, and boundary testing. Not that I agree with it. I wish I knew why she acts like this with me and not him but all I read online is that it’s because they’re super comfortable with you as their primary caregiver and that’s why they especially act out around you and have big feelings around the mom (or main caregiver). Mar 7, 2023 · I believe you have done the right thing with your daughter, a wise behavior from you to not react to your child with the same hurtful way they’re using and not just sitting and watching the harsh words come out from your kid with no consequences, it’s important for our kids to understand the effects of their actions so they can become more I am struggling terribly with my four year old right now. sometimes, the thought crosses my mind when my almost-2-year old is being difficult. The important thing to understand is regardless of the reasoning of your toddler hitting, your child is not hitting you to hurt you. ” You want to give your toddler information, not a blast of reaction. My mother used to fly off the handle and smack me but it never seemed to hurt much. Discover when it's essential to seek professional help and foster a My two kids, who were never physically chastised or punished in any way, both went through a phase of hitting either me or their dad, or their toys, or throwing things etc. Here's what you need to know about toddler hitting, including why they do it and how to stop it. 6:4), and “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will be discouraged” (Col. You may not be in love with or interested in your baby daddy, but you want to maintain a cordial relationship with him, at least for the sake of the child or children you both share. Instead, in the heat of the moment, you are going to CONNECT with your child by saying something like this: “I see you’re so frustrated because he took your toy. It is not awesome to be hit by your child! I am sorry you are going through this. 1. Do: Help them understand their body and keep them safe This week, my 13-year-old son’s verbal abuse turned physical for the first time. Mar 30, 2019 · Whenever your child’s unique triggers are present – whether it’s a specific time of day, environment, person, situation, or anything else – make sure you’re close by and ready to respond to the first signs that your child might hit. Here, the experts we spoke to provide ways parents and caregivers can navigate this stage. Do your best to implement this calmly to help lower the intensity level. I grabbed her hand and said NO. Related: How to Handle Toddler Biting. This communicates to your child that all feelings are OK, but that they need to be expressed in a safe way. I think they may just be the same level of atrocious, honestly Also, my dad wasnt even the ome to beat me and my brother, it was my mom because "a man is too strong to hit a kid and it may leave My 2. If it makes you feel better, she’s almost two now and has outgrown a lot of her aggressive behaviors (I know it wasn’t real aggression but it’s hard to remember that in the moment). I am struggling too :( Jul 4, 2024 · Caring for a toddler involves both physical and emotional effort, and many parents encounter the challenge of their toddler hitting them. One friend of my Dad told him not to hit kids when I was little. It’s hard to see our children be upset and more hurtful when they reach a point of frustration and anger that they start hitting themselves. Our parents and grandparents accepted many things that Feb 26, 2020 · And after you have made your point, within a few minutes, you can find a way to rebuild harmony by saying something like, “I didn’t like it when you hit me…but I think you know that now; let’s go look at your new book. May 10, 2023 · My toddler is mean to our dog: What do I do? When you have your first child, you may picture them growing up being best friends with your dog. Do not go sleeping with your ex. Trust me, I'm not fine. Feb 19, 2021 · We asked the experts how parents can handle some of the most common high-friction situations with toddlers while still maintaining a connection—and hopefully not losing it themselves. I reported back to Dr. Aside from those tips, there also things that you should NOT do when trying to stop your baby from hitting you. My toddler went to maybe do it again? I cut her off and said why do you want to My toddler went through a feral stage and it made me question motherhood (my older one was a gentle baby/child). The behaviors happen because you are a “bad parent” or you have a “bad child. This behavior isn’t personal but a reflection of the child’s developmental stage and their unique relationship with each parent. A toddler might hit themselves for many of the same sorts of reasons another toddler may hit someone else—namely, frustration over the fact that they can’t fully May 16, 2024 · The more often your older child inhales your baby's pheromones, the more protective he will be of her. Jan 9, 2025 · Experts say it's typical for toddlers to make the parent who is with them the most their main target for tough behavior. From managing frustration to understanding overstimulation, we break down the emotional and physical factors at play. 😂 I think it's just more upsetting because she KNOWS the word, she knows who I am, and she can say it (and has). Q: Is there always a reason kids hit? A: Nothing just happens! Not all kids hit for the same reasons, but it is typically a learned behavior. Here’s what happened: My son refused to eat leftovers at home the other night. Embrace this Aug 7, 2018 · Do not go chasing your ex. com Why does my toddler hit me, but not daddy? Toddlers may hit one parent more due to spending more time with them, differences in parenting styles, or seeking attention. May 16, 2023 · Toddler Hitting Causes . You are so mad at me you want to pull my hair. Being a parent involves teamwork (and patience), so be sure to stop any developing bond issues. Mine is the same way. I'm so angry at myself right now. I will take his hands, hold them down and in a stern voice I will say "NO we do not hit, you need to use gentle hands. Use warm words like, “I can’t let you do that. Needless to say, the incident really shook me up, and I ended up scheduling a call with my Empowering Parents coach for help. But playing favorites is common with toddlers (for example, her attachment to a lovey ) and has nothing to do with one of you being the better parent or being loved more. I grew up from the time where spanking was the norm. Questions to ask Hitting your toddler that leaves a mark is NOT a “small slap” OP knows what they did is absolutely wrong, and anyone that is defending or justifying their behavior is as well. The child will grow up to hurt others. If mummy normally sits down for dinner and daddy does bath and bed, chances are your toddler isn’t going to appreciate it when you mix it up a little. Find things that you know your toddler will find exciting and engaging and mark them down as activities that are exclusively for you and your toddler to do together. In general, though, one of the biggest factors is often whether or not your parents' acts of violence caused any lasting physical damage to your body. 5y/o is the same for me, an absolute nightmare to the point I dread going out with him because guaranteed he'll escape his stroller in the supermarket and then screech like I'm breaking his bones when I try and put him back into the stroller, he'll laugh in my face when I tell him to stop or not to do something, he'll even look me dead in We are constantly doing things together, etc so he is really spoiled with attention. They know they can get away with stuff from me. She is so stubborn, does not listen to anything, and when she wants something she doesn’t ask for it- just screeches a demand at me. It’s extremely important to not hit your child. You missed me. Dad feels left out; mom feels overworked. While your child is with their father, it is important to give them room and let them have fun with their moment together. Oct 24, 2024 · Wondering why your toddler hits you and laughs? This article unravels the confusing behavior and offers insights to help parents understand their child's motivations, from seeking attention to exploring boundaries. Parents should not be tyrants. Sep 23, 2022 · When your child does not like dad, it causes a family divide. My husband always follows through. In cases where. Let me reframe this. She slapped me again. that it was working; I Nationally recognized parenting expert Amy McCready is the Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions® and the best-selling author of The “Me, Me, Me” Epidemic - A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World and If I Have to Tell You One More Time…The Revolutionary Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling. There are plenty of reasons why your toddler might be mean to your dog and In the morning, he called for me on the Apple Watch, and I showed up - but the first thing he said to me was "go away Papa" and he even hit me, even though he called me to come himself. My dad failed me in many ways. " Jun 22, 2022 · He sees every bout of my emotions—my joy, my frustration, my relief and my deepest grief—and he knows that I can be my most vulnerable self around him. She hits me but not dad. Discover the reasons behind this behavior and effective strategies to address it. i use that as a sign that i’m getting overwhelmed and need a break. See full list on momtivational. Honoring your parents doesn't mean doing exactly what they did. EDIT: wow at all the responses! Sorry I haven't responded to all, but it seems like the consensus would be time outs. If you feel your child is out of control, or that being physically secure helps to calm them down My daughter has just turned 20, she had a rubbish bf For years, who we tried to tell her, but led to arguments, so was a no win situation, I didn’t know what was best to do, as I didn’t want to push her away, he even smashed our window, More and her dads van window twice, her dad doesn’t speak to her because she was telling us she wasn But lately, after the two books, she'll sit up on my lap, start pointing out my body parts (a favorite activity) and then just slap me right across the face. Can't travel with him and have my husband's help because son will not settle for him if I'm there. Your little ball of chaos is not in the right space to hear or retain your instructions, which is why we save correction for after the storm has passed. Everclear How Toxic Parenting Affects Children. Physical responses to situations where they feel out of control or they’re not getting their own way- it’s difficult but normal, and as long as you have a consistent Jun 3, 2020 · Have your toddler rattle a toy in front of them. Jun 22, 2022 · He sees every bout of my emotions—my joy, my frustration, my relief and my deepest grief—and he knows that I can be my most vulnerable self around him. HALP. vsdcephbvpmzlbctxpekxukizonklmkqkvcsikuifjlipazkrmztsrb