Octoprint multiple instances windows 10 reddit. Learn how to set up OctoPrint for multiple printers.
Octoprint multiple instances windows 10 reddit As a webcam I use an old android phone with IP webcam installed and running. 1 64 bit OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is very popular, designed on a 1-server-1-printer basis. running on a Raspberry Pi via the Nov 4, 2024 · The windows installer I created should work with any 64bit version of windows. A very lightweight interface that can reliably control multiple marlin printers is repetier, although you are obviously losing out on the offloading from klipper that way but its much lighter on the controller hardware. There is a great guide from Brandon's basement that has a walktru setting it up in Linux. I have an extra computer I'm thinking of spinning up a virtual machine on and running OctoPrint. Welcome to the largest community for Microsoft Windows 10, the world's most popular computer operating system! This is not a tech support subreddit, use r/WindowsHelp or r/TechSupport to get help with your PC Looking to see if I have set this up the best way. Setting up OctoPrint on Windows Guide:https://community. Works great. For a business, an idle machine isn’t generating revenue. Then when I printed an object the other instance wouldn't respond. OctoPrint Windows 10 Issue I'm able to access and ping the octoprint IP address from the computer the server is running on, but I am unable to access it from any other device. The FT-6 (with the 32 bit board) connects through /dev/ttyACM0. I can run 12 sessions on a HP Z200 i3 workstation with 4GB ram with ease. Is there a way to have one main Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint instance as "main" so that any changes done to it are replicated across all other OctoPrint instances? I would love to have plugin management done in this fashion, so if plugin update command is issues that all instances Issue w/ multiple instances of octoprint So I've been trying to get this to work for the past few weeks and am at the point of giving up. Hi all, I wanted to do and share a write-up of how I installed OctoPrint within Windows WSL with the WSL session connecting to my Ender-6 printer via USB as my way of contributing back to the community that has helped me tremendously; In addition to not finding much information out there on this exact setup and took a bit of research to realize it's only a few extra steps that are needed from Oct 19, 2020 · OctoPrint wasn't designed for more than one printer, but it's still possible. each of the configuration files should point to an instanced server but instead it configures them all to the same ip and it becomes a crapshoot which camera wins on each refresh. I believe some have even tried with 2 cameras (using crows nest installed also with kiauh) but I have not tried. Is there a way to point each octoprint to this Mac folder? Yep. Right now I have two Prusas, each running a separate Octoprint instance on two separate Pis (3b+) using two unique Octoprint logins, each with unique addresses (octopi-a. Nonetheless, with a bit of creativity and know-how, we can adapt Sep 11, 2017 · It works the same way - start a second instance with --basedir pointing to another base directory location for your second instance and --port setting a different port than the default 5000. If all you want is to access your existing OctoPrint instance (e. Posted by u/bombjon - 1 vote and 2 comments Dec 4, 2021 · On my system I get as far as py -m venv venv and all it does is come straifght back to the command prompt. I've heard of people having success running 2 instances in dockers on the pi. : docker-compose. Given a one to many relationship between controller and printer there is the potential of not performing software maintenance/ patching (even Linux needs to be patched) because there is always a print job running. Search Octoprint Docker on YouTube, those tutorials will teach you how to do it, still a PC or a Raspberry are essentially the same. I'm in exactly the same position as the OP. Learn how to set up OctoPrint for multiple printers. . Octoprint does everything and more then this software, if you know how to set it up. It is no longer the case, these units are hard to find from reputable sellers and as such, their price inc… Honestly you do not need full virtualization, containerization like docker or LXC would be enough, with much less performance overhead. Octoprint Version. Sounds like its for people scared to use a linux OS. I can still access each instance from the server computer using IP 127. 0. 87. It also makes updating very simple. I see plenty of instructions on how to do this on Linux or OctoPi. Maybe a 4 could handle it. rules if the serial of the usb camera is "0", in order for it to be recognised in ls -la /dev you need to delete ATTRS{serial}=="MySN_Number". Currently running mine with Raspbian, 2 instances of Octoprint via octoprint_deploy script, each with a webcam. So I want to "park" it. It was developed on Windows 10. This is handy when using multiple printers with multiple instances of Octoprint. You can probably get it to work on a RPi model 2b, but the experience will be lacking, prints may be affected by stutters. I have been running OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ since I purchased my first 3D printer (ender 3) two months ago. This does work as it brings up my camera b FarmPi can update any OctoPrint instances in a Farm. I've had a Rpi running octopi/octoprint for months and all was well. Additional information about your setup. To have a general understanding of what we will be doing I will first briefly explain each of the aforementioned components. The Pi really didn't appreciate it. 10 enders, 30+ momoprice minis, and 8 momoprice selects. It comes down to setup and essentially copying and renaming the first instance to run as a separate. What can I do to get rid of them? Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. The PC is a newer machine with 16gb ram, so it shouldn't have issues running two versions of Octoprint. I’m not sure you could get there with one. If you can run multiple instances of your slicer software each connected to a different port, then you can control multiple printers at the same time. I've found mostly old info on distros with octoprint & other methods. The painful part is uploading, updating/replacing and deleting files on each octoprint. Because of that, "we" don't support it. Here's my write-up - hopefully it'll help someone else out! Oct 28, 2022 · As you probably already know, OctoPrint is an open-source 3D printer controller that allows you to monitor and control everything through a web interface. Have seen people saying they are running multiple instances on a pi thou. Currently running 0. If you have any other questions just ask. 7. I am running two instances currently on a Pi 3b+. The general strategy with Octoprint is to run multiple instances on different HTTP ports and different USB ports. Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB) running DietPi and then using docker-compose to run two OctoPrint instances, each with a MJPEG_STREAMER setup. Note that you can virtualize Cura, no problem - If you have a beefy proxmox server, you could run Cura on a VM or container, use it for your slicing (which is heavy on compute) and then ship the gcode over to Octoprint, running on Along with making multiple instances very simple, it also has an option in utility menu to do things like sync upload directories between instances, as well as sync users between instances. 18 with 1. A core 2 duo should handle OF and two OP instances I had this running myself but with 4 OP instances and klipper. I've got two printers, an ender 3v2 with a logitech cam and a knockoff anycubic/mk3s/i3 type with a… Aug 26, 2020 · Hi, I currently operate and manage 10 Prusa printers with OctoPrint, and things are getting out of hand already. Octoprint's website indicates it's not for the faint of heart. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as described by OutsourcedGuru above. Let us begin My Linux Fu falls short of being able to fully grok the problem but I feel like I'm close. Just double check your CPU usage as it may vary. Octoprint seems to be mainly documented for Pi, so is a big help to get it up and running and having Ubuntu server and spare cpu time also enables you tu use it for other purposes multiple octoprint instances to control a print farm, host some other ad hoc server, at least in my country the cost of tech greatly outweights the cost of Clicking buttons take literal minutes, the webcam stream is basically frozen, If and refreshing takes about 10 minutes. Yes, you can use that easily. 6. For those who like Octoprint/OctoPi and would like to run multiple instances of OctoPi/Octoprint on one Pi, this is the finest, most detailed… Multiple instances of console windows host running causing cpu to run at or near 100% Windows 10 I am fairly new to programming and especially to Java programming, but I recently tried to code in Java using VS Code and downloaded the latest JDK (19). Hello everyone, a quick and dirty guide to setup multiple Octoprint sessions using Docker in Debian 10. If I recall correctly too many running on a pi will cause issues. Aug 9, 2018 · Hi all, First time posting, so hopefully this is in the right place! Wasn't sure where to post this, but thought it might be useful to someone! I've recently moved from my underpowered RPi B+ to an intel nuc running windows instead, but couldn't find an easy way to issue a "Reset command" soooo incase anyone in the same situ as I was, please see my solution below; Create a . Obviously don't accidentally download the Octo*Pi* distribution (which is for the RPi); but OctoPrint itself is just a python program and does not care where or how it runs. Is there any way to run multiple instances with one Jun 14, 2024 · Hello everyone, a quick and dirty guide to setup multiple Octoprint sessions using Docker in Debian 10. Obico is complaining about the excessive CPU the webcam is using on the Pi. Aug 8, 2021 · Now everything is ready to set up Octoprint and control both printers with one Raspberry Pi handling two Octoprint instances. Getting ready to add a second printer and need to know the best way to setup another instance. - "I use Blink to see if the cats got into my garden" - jeweynougat, 25th April 2023. This thread will be the only place that discussion about it is allowed, and any support is given as best-effort, not "omg there's a bug and I'm going Problem is I dont want a controller at each location (working on a budget) So my plan was to have the controller running on my laptop. I'm a Windows guy but I have a working knowledge of Linux systems Just looking for instructions on installing octoprint on a clean Ubuntu install & not handholding. (this is running on a 3rd Gen i5 with 8GB RAM and 120GB SSD with Win 10 Pro 20H2) py --version brings up Python 3. You can usually find i5 HP Z200 on ebay for $50-80 and this is by far more preferable than a Raspberry Pi for running multiple printers. I understand that in order to use Octoprint (either from Pi or PC) to connect to multiple printers an individual instance of octoprint (2 printers = 2 instances of octoprint) needs to be running either on the Pi or PC. I love it, because it is Windows and therefore is more userfriendly than a command-line based programming environment. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Can one instance of OctoPrint manage multiple printers? Nov 8, 2021 · I am running Octoprint from my windows, and had it set up just fine, though after a recent update my custom made batch command files have ceased to work. Haven't done that yet. Ubuntu 20. Also hyperV/windows as host is really, really weird choice Multiple Instances - Camera Streamer I'm trying to figure out how I can get cameras on two instances using the new builds with camera-streamer instead of webcamd. How do you run 2 instances? Id like to have two different Repetier windows open, one for each printer. Normally they take a bunch of requests going to one domain name (IP address) and route them on to several different hosts on an internal network, or I suppose VMs on the same machine, but the reverse proxy server presents a single IP address to the outside world. e. However, I would like to install my own third-party CA signed SSL certificate with my own domain name. I run multiple instances and drive a couple printers that way with plenty of power left over. yml Aug 4, 2018 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. Bear with me while I find how to upload it again. Now I am trying with Kiauh, I installed 2 Klipper instances and 2 Octoprint instances. All of a sudden like 24 hours ago, I can't access any of the Octoprint instances remotely. No need for VMs or full desktop GUIs. I’m personally planning on building a home server that can run multiple instances of octoprint for my various printers. It’s a shame a lot of resources out there for octoprint focus on the rpi rather than other more easily available devices. 1:(port #), but I can't access remotely off any other devices from my home network. If you want to use more than one webcam, you also have to start separate instances of MJPG-Streamer for each webcam. 0 and as far as I can see I have everything else installed as it should be. Closest thing I know of is the --batch-file option which downloads links in serial chain (though not parallel afaik). 2 (which was running one printer, one webcam) that it replaced. On the new SSD-B, I want to install Windows 10. 04 server running 2 instances with room to grow. 5ghz network measuring 30mbps on my phone (each OctoPrint is saying it has ~10. g. 🤔 Do you just want to access your existing OctoPrint instance under Windows? Then there's absolutely no need to follow this guide, this is for installing the OctoPrint server under Windows, which is probably a rather unusual setup. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars and communicate & collaborate across your devices. being able to use OctoPrint and Raspbian on the same pi simultaneously by only deploying one instance). It really works well for me and I would suggest this path rather than using Windows. Aug 30, 2024 · Multi instance Octoprint with Data & Plugin Sharing using Docker Ive set up a multi instance setup of Octoprint using Docker containers, and while this isn't anything new, my setup is using something i have not seen done before: I configured my instances to be able to share uploaded data and even plugins between all instances! The setup does not require any specialized software, its just based 16. I print over USB and never had issues whatsoever. This includes plug-ins. It was just too big a pain in the butt. I read that in usb99. I do believe you are correct with the pi setup tho while researching I found a common theme with power issues and the pi running multiple. Some way to quickly switch between multiple controller interfaces, but on the same install on the same pc. university. For every printer, a separate OctoPrint instance with a different port must be started. Just make a txt file with the links and direct yt-dlp to it: I put together a script that does a complete OctoPrint installation and even makes making multiple instances very easy. Currently I can only have one window open and have to go into printer settings to change the usb port. I have a (mostly) stock Ender 3V2 hooked up to my home computer running Cura. Go to octoprint r/octoprint • by View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Running two currently off a pi 3b+ with no issue but admittedly isn’t fluidd and not octoprint but kiauh can be used to install multiple instances of octoprint too. edu goes to another, and so on. I would like to create several users for my students. 2 and 1. OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, as much data as possible. +1 for Le Potato. Now, the question is how can we use it with multiple printers? That’s what you’re about to find out. With Octoprint, you could run a central proper computer, and have multiple Octoprint Docker instances, each with a dedicated USB port for camera and printer, and put Nginx in as well so that taz6-bob. I am currently running Octoprint on a windows device using the instructions here. Pretty cool! I’m a little surprised this isn’t more common. 18 but to no avail. Credit for the content of this guide goes to Chris Riley for his guides on setting up klipper and multiple instances of Octoprint, and to user "shadrincev" on 3dtoday. OctoPrint wasn’t initially developed with multiple printers in mind. ru for his guide, from which this is mostly copied/plagiarized. By properly using these tools in conjunction I hope to achieve the most user-friendly implementation of multi-instance OctoPrint and 'dual-use' OctoPrint (i. Check Octofarm, it connects multiple instances of the filament manager plugin and one database. Thanks, I've tried several guides, on 0. Setting up OctoPrint on Windows - Get Help / Guides - OctoPrint Community Forum. Believe it or not the cameras were the most difficult part of it. There's probably something simple that I either didn't know about I have OctoFarm set up connected to 4 instances of OctoPrint for my 4 printers, but I’m getting a good amount of lag from all of my machines’s webcams. One Pi, Multiple printers, same idVendor, no serial Ah yes exactly that stuff is way out of my league. Mar 13, 2023 · octoprint-systeminfo-20230313191108. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. Install Klipper, Mainsail, and Octoprint with Multiple Instances on a Second Hand Desktop That connects fine to /dev/ttyUSB0 (Separate Raspberry PI, Separate Octoprint instance. zip (172. > 1. Dec 3, 2022 · Running two instances of OctoPrint on a windows mini pc to monitor my 3d printers. I've found a version of OctoPrint (unofficial) that I can download onto my android phone so I'm going to give that a shot and see if it works for my needs. That is not even a supported configuration for 1 OctoPrint instance, let alone 2. It is This guide will help you install OctoPrint onto Windows. Is there a way to keep multiple octoprint instances in sync? I have 3 and everytime I find a new plugin or make a configuration change I have to do it all 3. Anyone have a good method of streaming the webcam from Windows? mjpeg streamer is in the Windows store, but you cant even minimize it, without killing the stream. local). They were made for me to be able to restart and shut down Octoprint instance from the UI. I'm fairly new to Octoprint and would like to know how you solved this problem. It has a running WSL, some docker container and a lot of crap. I have successfully installed Octoprint on a PC that runs Windows 10. Multiple instance reboots were required over time. To reach out Octoprint for Printer #1 just type in your browser address bar the hostname/IP of the raspberry followed by the port number for printer 1, in the example 5001 Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync & communication app platform. I am sure I could just duplicate the directory, change some settings and have 2 instances but I am hoping there is a better way. Re-make your instances using the same instance names, then recover your backups. Literally I need it for like a 10-15 minute calibration and then I probably won't ever use it again hahah. 53. The issue I am facing is that I can not seem to get the Raspberry Pi Camera (ribbon connection) and the USB Webcam (Logitech C270) to both work. Arguably Remote management on your printers isn’t safe even with this software, you should still be near your printers while they are running to ensure they won’t catch fire, and to catch failures. txt. At first I tried octoprint-deploy but then realized it does not work with Klipper. I don't get the venv prompt. Even if you are not going to use octofarm, you can use the instructions for the plug-in/database. If ya need any help feel free to come over to out discord or r/OctoFarm. Looking to consolidate control with Octoprint. I also have Obico running on a windows machine. I think it is a change in Docker wherein the So I have 8 printers each with their own dedicated raspberry pi running octoprint. I've been running 6 Octoprint instances on my windows home server computer for about 2 years now. I am not near my computer now so I can’t provide more info about the plugin, but it’s a fork from the original abandoned filament manager plugin. Any PC that was able to run Windows and has an USB port should be able to run OctoPrint, really, performance-wise. I've tried adding cameras using the built in sudo add-usb-camera <name> <port> <name> and specifying the port to each instance, 5001 and 5002, but no cameras appear even when changing As the post title suggests, this is a guide for using Docker, Docker Compose, Portainer, udev rules, and scripts to run multiple instances of OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi 4. I have this set up with a Linux PC running multiple instances of octoprint. Moonraker and Fluidd supports that natively, with Mainsail you have to do some trickery. Calling it SSD-B I want to keep my SSD-A Windows as a "back-up". Apr 1, 2024 · If you want to use the new version of octoprint_deploy with an older setup, create backups (either with OctoPrint UI or with octoprint_deploy), then use the remove commandline argument before updating octoprint_deploy. I kept the default install, but left it disabled, and put two other instances in the config for my printers running on ports 5001 and 5002. It seems faster than the Raspberry Pi 3B 1. I've tried pinging the IP address from my laptop, but the ping request times out every time and the webpage says that the IP isn't sending any data. Here is my guide for using Docker to run multiple instances. I'm not sure why the serial port is being detected that way. The one that has the issue is a raspberry pi 4 4gb, while the ones that are just fine are an identical rpi4, and 2 rpi 3b+. But I'm going back to one instance and choosing which to print from in octoprint and using a USB drive for the other. I've got four pis running multiple instances of Octoprint to run four printers. Could I use a usb hub to expand this? At some point would the pi not be able to process it all? EDIT: For context, we run a school lab with around 50 machines. Works very well. I’m using RP Zero W2s, a 2. Do you know if this is possible and how could I solve it? I've formated my computer recently and installed Windows 10 Pro again, however after the installation, a screen saying "Choose an operative system" with two instances of Windows (One saying volume 4) show up. However, towards the end of last month I updated my whole system, Docker app images, and added printers and a usb hub, now the setup is UNSTABLE (I'm pretty sure I thoroughly tested various power cycles and it was stable for months). bat file inside (Without octoprint, of course). 3dprintbegginer has a tutorial on running multiple instances of OctoPrint under docker on a Pi. The goal was to make something that can be done by anyone, even with just a small amount of linux knowledge. Out of the rest of my raspberry pies none of them have this issue. Update OctoPrint/Plugins in one instance, then when ever you are ready, restart the other instances and they will also Dec 24, 2022 · OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is a very popular even though it is built on a 1-server-1-printer basis. All 4 USB ports are used, and I even have my cheap ribbon camera plugged in too. I tried starting again, but now there are THREE instances. E. (It would be really nice if someone could make a pre-baked image with multiple instances though. e. edu goes to its Octoprint instance, Taz6-Jill. I really feel this is a failure to start multiple instances of webcam. When Raspberry Pi were readily available and cheap, it made a lot of sense. Calling it SSD-A Today, I have added a secondary SSD - new, fast, big. All of it is kind of experimental as I haven't been able to get anyone to truly test it. To give you an idea, there would be about 40 students and I would like to create different users with a specific Octoprint profile, from a spreadsheet. Is there a way like with Cura to keep them in sync? I had OctoPrint running on Windows briefly. I'm running octoprint via Ubuntu 20. type in command "bcdedit /store . I have OctoFarm set up connected to 4 instances of OctoPrint for my 4 printers, but I’m getting a good amount of lag from all of my machines’s webcams. Pis are cheap, human time is expensive (especially when multiplied by the number of people reading a message), and there are plenty of reasons that multiple instances of OctoPrint on one Pi is problematic. One of them running Windows 10 and 1 for data. 04 server. octoprint. 5mbps speeds), and the webcams are all set to 720p @20fps. Just remember without OctoPrint, your computer is actively talking to the printer the whole print, so you can't start something printing then switch to a different computer. org/t/set Same. Relative to your other issues with linux, the easiest install for that is using ubuntu server or debian without the graphical user interface (unless you want to load OctoPrint Web UI on laptop directly) and the octoprint_deploy script to manage all the bits and pieces for you. I don't want to lose it. Apr 27, 2020 · Currently running an instance of OctoPrint on a windows server that is up 24/7 for security cameras. USB ports I'm using SYMLINKs too, and passing them individually via docker-compose, one printer per container. Ok, I did a quick lookup on reverse proxies just out of interest. Thanks! My old Raspberry Pi (3b) is currently running FOUR instances of Octoprint, working on all 4 of my printers simultaneously. Create a system that covers your entryways and windows, monitors the garage, or keeps a watchful eye over the kids’ rooms (or even the cookie jar). 1 Pi: Raspberry pi 4 Connection: Ethernet Connection Number of Instances: I am running 2 instances of Octoprint on my single Raspberry Pi Note: I understand that octoprint was not designed for multiple instances but I have been running 2 instances of Octoprint long before this issue began without any issues You can run all 3 off of one device though. Now i have 3 printers connected to a single computer running Linux Mint which is running multiple instances of OctoPrint. (just realized my subject didn't state OctoEverywhere, so my bad) So I have been trying to run 2 Octoprint instances on 1 Raspberry Pi to be able to control 2 printers with just 1 Pi. There is also a script to bind a 3D printer to a specific usb port in the same folder. Has worked well but the performance on the pi seems slow to me, have it cooled and running at ~35C but seems sluggish to me. Though Octoprint can be heavy for a raspberry and running multiple instances could give you some troubles later, that's why I use a PC, maybe an old laptop is better for the space and power consumption. Hi, i'm running multiple instances of octoprint behind the provided instance of haproxy. You'll need OP for OF though just to confirm. And considering suggested way to run octoprint is in virtualenv anyway you do not even need that, can easily run multiple instances on the same OS. Think of it as OctoPrint for Docker even though it runs in Docker. Klipoer runs on any OS, and decoupling it from a full computer means you can use the computer for other things while you print without risk. 1 KB) I always mess this up. As of now I'm running a super basic setup that will probably need to be revamped first. Yes, but it's not elegant and prone to crashing. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. 1. \BCD /copy {default} /d "Windows 10 for Work"" (to specify name for new boot entry that contains multiple words we must put it in quotation, but the command itself should not be in quotation), This is the reason for the post, to see if octoEverywhere add-in supports multiple octoprint instances, not if octoprint supports it as I have it configured properly. But from my experiments, it seems to work. Dec 23, 2022 · In this article, I will describe how to set up OctoPrint based on OctoPi on a Raspberry Pi 3 for multiple printers. 17 and 0. 10. After scratching my head for a good week or so trying to work out how to reliably run multiple OctoPrint instances in Docker containers (each with a specified printer and camera), I cracked it! USB port enumeration was the culprit, but you can (pretty easily) work around it. If I can find what I need, I think I can get it First one was flashing Marlin with an uuid for each printer and then retrieving it back from windows so the process would be something like, 10 coms available, connect first instance to a random one, ask if is the printer that you want and if is not disconnect and connect to the next one till match and till all instances are connected. I have Octopi running on a pi, with a webcam. I run klipper and octoprint on an old rock64. I had 2 instances of octopi running on the same pi and it would crash randomly and force me to reinstall the system. The idea is to have multiple 'instances' of unifi, one for each location. Now the server does not recognize specified command like (exit). I do all of my designing and slicing on a Mac, and have a nice structured folder setup to store my gcode files. -- Windows 10 -- FF 110. emqx kwszvu pwwx thai hrqfa zha ymkitt ocm mpshx jgrcrg