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Octoprint multiple instances not working reddit. You should check out his videos.
Octoprint multiple instances not working reddit Once I deleted that port from the URL, I was able to access my Octoprint instance and the webcam stream is functioning! Thank you for your help! Also, there is a bug in the driver of some Atheros/Qualcomm based WiFi modules used in some routers, which causes the module to not allow devices on the same WiFi to communicate with each other. ### MacOSX users: If you use Textedit to edit this file make sure to use So far so good that only OctoPrint instances are on that core. Come to ask questions about getting games to work, about changing the settings and configuration, or even about games that are free to download. Raise3D sponsor OctoPrint, and I believe they've used OctoPrint but that doesn't mean all the printers will work. Even if you are not going to use octofarm, you can use the instructions for the plug-in/database. But I noticed that there are many OctoPrint processes (multi-threaded?) running on that core. I had 2 instances of octopi running on the same pi and it would crash randomly and force me to reinstall the system. I did get another raspberry pi (3) along with this printer so I'm unsure what to do. If you have two of the exact same webcams the filtering I have an Ender 3v2 and and a Sovol SV06. Basically backing up the octoprint instance, starting over with a fresh load of OctoPi and restoring seems to get the serial port working properly. All 4 USB ports are used, and I even have my cheap ribbon camera plugged in too. 1 Pi: Raspberry pi 4 Connection: Ethernet Connection Number of Instances: I am running 2 instances of Octoprint on my single Raspberry Pi Note: I understand that octoprint was not designed for 15) Configure your Octoprint instances, and the Octoklipper plugin to run the corresponding instances of Klipper, making sure to set the correct /tmp/printer in Octoprint AND in the Octoklipper plugin. I am using a different camera them. 😉 P. I'm running octoprint via Ubuntu 20. I’m not much help when it comes to diagnosing Pi issues, but I can tell you that yes, you can have multiple on the same network. sh). octoprint_deploy OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is very popular, designed on a 1-server-1-printer basis. OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Octoprint Version. First, we set up OctoPrint for just one printer and, after that works, for multiple printers and webcams. However, Octoprint not only has some truly awesome plugins (like being able to view the camera and fully control my printer from my smartwatch), but it has the capability to alter GCode on the fly too, which is something Fluidd/Mainsail cannot do. You don't NEED to use Octoprint seems to be mainly documented for Pi, so is a big help to get it up and running and having Ubuntu server and spare cpu time also enables you tu use it for other purposes multiple octoprint instances to control a print farm, host some other ad hoc server, at least in my country the cost of tech greatly outweights the cost of electricity Docker is a containerization technology. I switched their ports, and now only my Logitech is detected. Use a separate instance (or Raspberry Pi) for your Octoprint Laser version; do not use the same instance for your 3D printer. It’s free and connects seamlessly to the pi. Haven't done that yet. Octoprint can still be accessed from mobile data (Not webcam feed though) Works perfectly fine while connected to the octoprint instance's Wi-Fi. You can run those instances on multiple computers, or - provided that the computer you use to run OctoPrint on is powerful enough - you can run multiple instances of OctoPrint on the same computer. Step 1. and on my phone it has the issue of serial driver not found tap to select. Some additional notes: (1) if you plan on accessing your instances of OctoPrint from the pi you deployed them on I'd advise limiting the number of plugins you use as things can get quite laggy if you do not; (2) aside from the known Try the Octopod for OctoPrint App. I have one of those (Netgear WNDR3400v4): It would work after I reboot the router, but sooner or later it just stops working, without any clue as to why. Other things i have tried: sudo pkill mjpg_streamer sudo raspi-config sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Though while typing this comment, you did tip me off to something that actually fixed it! I was able to access my Octoprint instance with the Port 5000 URL, so never tried it without it. Not sure what's going on here. So I have been trying to run 2 Octoprint instances on 1 Raspberry Pi to be able to control 2 printers with just 1 Pi. 7. I've had that issue with the latest releases where they've tried to update octoprint. I think I've reached out on Github before though. I understand that in order to use Octoprint (either from Pi or PC) to connect to multiple printers an individual instance of octoprint (2 printers = 2 instances of octoprint) needs to be running either on the Pi or PC. Trying to set the z to 0. File ownership is also not available, again you might be able to do this with some Installed a picam onto my raspi-2 octoprint setup, which was previously using a USB cam. But I’m not sure I only use it for one printer. " I've since purchased another RPI 4 for a dedicated OctoPrint instance and set it up using OctoPi image I downloaded from their site. You need multiple instances of OctoPrint on our Pi to control multiple printers. (It would be really nice if someone could make a pre-baked image with multiple instances though. This is why I suggest using the octoprint_deploy script to handle multiple instances. Sometimes messing around and restarting while plugging in the usb cameras I can Get the Reddit app Scan this Has anybody gotten OctoPrint working on an Orange Pi Zero 2W . Octopi is a customized raspbian image someone made to make using octoprint on a raspberry pi easier. For a business, an idle machine isn’t generating revenue. I believe some have even tried with 2 cameras (using crows nest installed also with kiauh) but I have not tried. I'm not sure why the serial port is being detected that way. I would be very greateful for any tips! I'd like to let you guys know, that i always start with multi roblox before opening roblox, so it's not that why it isn't working, so if it was for that, the game would immediately close the 1st game instance in order to play in the other one, the problem i have must be roblox and the desktop app, not forcing me, but letting me know that they are closing the first game. Note: Octopi is different from Octoprint. I've been away from 3d printing for awhile and can't figure this out. Tell Mikitani to take his forced marketing and shove it where the sun don't shine. This is a place to learn, not just show off. Pretty cool! I’m a little surprised this isn’t more common. Unsafe behavior, such as Hello everyone, a quick and dirty guide to setup multiple Octoprint sessions using Docker in Debian 10. This will mess stuff up. Hey guys, I use the Timelapse+ plugin with octoprint on my Pi 4, connected to my Sovol SV06 printer. So now, I Longtime user (since 2010 ish), first time poster. Where virtual machines make the hardware "go away" (that is, you can go to some provider, click some Because of the way docker works, combined with how OctopPrint starts up, it is not recommended that you alter the config files directly by hand, and thus there is no reason to use a host Get the Reddit app Scan this I know it's meant for Klipper but it will allow you to install multiple instances of octoprint very easily. hosted or cloud) that works with many IP phones and SIP providers. I did some searching and found that every so often there's the same problem from a user perspective, It is not as specific as you would like it to be - if you want control over which printer they connect to for example then you'll need to write your own plugin. no matter which Hi everyone. Only works with klipper, but you can run klipper on a pi zero w, or multiple klipper How well does this work alongside the continuous print plugin? I can get a lot closer to 100% uptime when I can automatically eject the part when it's finished. I was wondering if this is normal and can cause issues since they will compete on air time over that single core. weird I tried getting into . I've heard of people having success running 2 instances in dockers on the pi. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. if i miss the pop up i cant click on anything on the bottom right hand corner. There are two instances of it running. Also hyperV/windows as host is really, really weird choice Check Octofarm, it connects multiple instances of the filament manager plugin and one database. ) I use a separate pi for each one, then I have a main webserver that runs a page that pulls the data through the API. Usually only one will work at a time. running all printers on a single pi, but still how to keep credentials in sync ? (could be a kind of a cronjob - or could symlinks on users. octoprint" and ". Given a one to many relationship between controller and printer there is the potential of not performing software maintenance/ patching (even Linux needs to be patched) because there is always a print job running. 3+, Hey! I need your help. I followed this tutorial. i have a few open that i make sure i closed the pop up for then i drag and drop into the one i use for new vids to avoid that pop up window. But I can not see the camera feed directly when I click the test button and I can also not see the feed in the control tab. If you don't want to do that, there is a secondary script as part of octoprint_deploy that will create udev rules for you (udev_rules. You can usually find i5 HP Z200 on ebay for $50-80 and this is by far more preferable than a Raspberry Pi for running multiple printers. OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is a very popular even though it is built Hey everyone, I had my camera working a hour ago (even now when i intially plug in a light from the raspberry camera turns on) when I run vcgencmd get_camera i get supported=1 detected=0 and I am not sure how to move forward from here. Chris Riley on YouTube has made several videos on how to set it up and how well it works. You may not even need to create a Docker container, as I bet someone already has and published it on a repository. As I get back Make sure you reboot the entire system and not just Octoprint. both work fine in Octoprint, and I used to be able to run both at the same time with two instances of Octoprint, one connecting to With the latest RC (i belive rc5 also had this problem) there are issues with running multiple instance of octoprint on the same Raspberry Pi. I was also able to get the screen to initially work with raspbian (latest image) like you stated but installing octoprint and octdash becomes a bit harder. That is not even a supported configuration for 1 OctoPrint instance, let alone 2. If there's something masked by script configuration, I'm not sure Rules: Posts must describe how the project was made, not just a link, or picture, or video that shows the project in use. Hi everyone! I'm trying to setup a multi camera on a fresh octoprint install. And considering suggested way to run octoprint is in virtualenv anyway you do not even need that, can easily run multiple instances on the same OS. This is what Octoprint says: After scratching my head for a good week or so trying to work out how to reliably run multiple OctoPrint instances in Docker containers (each with a specified printer and camera), I cracked it! USB port enumeration was the culprit, but you can (pretty easily) work around it. Just to be clear, (or more) instances. To have a general understanding of what we will be doing I After scratching my head for a good week or so trying to work out how to reliably run multiple OctoPrint instances in Docker containers (each with a specified printer and camera), I cracked Octoprint and multiple Printers (OctoServer?) A couple of notes from my own experience following this guide. I set up a new Octoprint instance (via OctoPi the image: version 1. The title This was mostly an exercise in pulling together disparate guides and making it all work. Get the Reddit app Scan this Install Klipper, Mainsail, and Octoprint with Multiple Instances on a Second Hand Desktop - Connects to BigTreeTech Boards youtube upvotes r/prusa3d. Or just unplug your RPi for few seconds. So, I tried replacing BigBlue with Ender and am still not seeing the stream. 16) Repeat as Mainsail runs in your browser and one instance can access many instances of moonraker API on different hosts and is well suited to having many printers. All things related to Finally got multi They're very similar in many important respects and both work absolutely fine. If your not using web cams a pi can do 4-5. I want to have two viewpoints for my Timelapses, how could I troubleshoot this Use a separate instance (or Raspberry Pi) for your Octoprint Laser version; do not use the same instance for your 3D printer. Similarly, LXC containers do not work well with udev rules and USB peripherals, so those should be avoided. Could be nothing. All commands assume you are operating out of your home directory. While not recommended, I do use the rest of RPi4 doing other lightweight task. octoprint and remember it not existing but I see a folder for each instance ". Works very well. Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. I already have an Ender 3 V2 set up with its own raspberry pi and octoprint server but I was curious if I should add this new one to it as well. When my camera is plugged in, I can see the camera feed if I click test then right click on the little picture icon and open i new tab. The others I have no idea about. That connects fine to /dev/ttyUSB0 (Separate Raspberry PI, Separate Octoprint instance. Here's my write-up - hopefully it'll help someone else out! I've been setting up octoprint on the printers I manage at work and I want to add a second user for my coworkers and my boss so they can stop the print in case something goes wrong when I'm away. Any advertising or SPAM will result in a permanent ban. the LED loads up on the cam, and it works outside of OctoPrint, but for some reason won't work with octoprint. Honestly you do not need full virtualization, containerization like docker or LXC would be enough, with much less performance overhead. I am currently running 4 instances of Octoprint on 4 Pis on the same network with no issues. I am running two instances currently on a Pi 3b+. Yep. Yes, but it's not elegant and prone to crashing. Some folks have luck installing iTunes, which includes Bonjour drivers, but it won't play nicely with everyone's home network. I'm quite new to octoprint and stuff like this so if the post is a bit vague please tell me and I will submit more information if needed Reply reply thehero262 Is there a way to keep multiple octoprint instances in sync? I have 3 and everytime I find a new plugin or make a configuration change I have to do it all 3. When I removed octoprint_install, octoprint_deploy was updated to make the first instance setup very almost exactly like octoprint_install. The camera for Ender is a Logitech C270. I used M851 z0 but it keeps saying "Unknown command". That's conceptually similar (but technically completely different) to virtual machines. When your printers print over OctoPrint like they should and every printer has To anyone who has run into the same problem as I have: If all your cables and adapters are working, but your android device is not delivering data, you might need to enable developer/debugging mode and enable otg storage. I had a raspberry camera on port 8080, and my Logitech c920 on 8081, only the raspberry was detected. 10. It also makes updating very simple. its become a habit to have at least 3 open Are you viewing Octoprint via https/ssl? If that's the case, https websites will not render insecure, or http content. As far as I know it also offers to connect to multiple instances. You can probably get it to work on a RPi model 2b, but the experience will be lacking, prints may be affected by stutters. (Like, open excel, now open an excel file and suddenly you have two excel windows open. Rakuten Employees: Do not attempt to distribute your referral codes. I've got two printers, an ender 3v2 with a logitech cam and a knockoff anycubic/mk3s/i3 type with a It will never work when all the information is identical. We will treat it as spam. FT5 has a stock board. . Now I am trying with Kiauh, I installed 2 Klipper instances and 2 Octoprint instances. I am trying to calibrate the z offset on the octoprint terminal but all the g code commands don't work. You need to be good with linux or at least with google ;-). S. When Raspberry Pi were readily Dockers are awesome and once you get the usb quirks ironed out, there is remarkably little work to get multiple instances running effectively (and predictably). Has anyone run into this or have any ideas on troubleshooting? edit: also, the USB cam is disconnected while I'm trying to get the pi-cam to work. Unsafe behavior, such as working with electrical components while drunk or pretending to be drunk, will not be tolerated. You should check out his videos. I thought I had heard that Octoprint was bought out by Spaghetti Detective and that the free Octoprint was going to be replaced by the not-free Spaghetti. Fortunately, there is a tool for setting that up very easily. I am not near my computer now so I can’t provide more info about the plugin, but it’s a fork from the original abandoned filament manager plugin. Best bet to fully isolate two instances of OctoPrint is run each on separate Raspberry Pi's. I have tried deleting the camera from the instance and adding it again, but that did not work and I'm not sure what else to try. it does but usually only for the last one you opened by double clicking. Allows control of the axis, temperature, gcode, files, and most plugins Is compatible View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I have not used my 3D printers for a few years, and back then Octoprint was great. Ultimaker 2+ connect will not work. yaml between instances even work ?) we have keycloak up and running, but I'm missing an OIDC/OpenID plugin for octoprint (would be the best solution to use multiple pi's while keeping the credentials in sync) The 'octopi. I have an FT5 that I have setup the same way. Each printer gets its own pi and its own Octoprint. If you want to control multiple printers, you will need multiple "instances" of OctoPrint. Set up your printer config files, etc. At first I tried octoprint-deploy but then realized it does not work with Klipper. As the post title suggests, this is a guide for using Docker, Docker Compose, Portainer, udev rules, and scripts to run multiple instances of OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi 4. This includes plug-ins. I just decided to take advantage of some current BlackFriday deals and to extend my Printer lineup by two additional printers (Sovol SV06 and Elegoo Saturn 2) Currently I'm running a Artillery Sidewinder X1, controlled by a RaspberryPi 3 with Octoprint. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. 3) for another printer and the "Remember Me" checkbox was not working on multiple computers. I’m personally planning on building a home server that can Hello everyone, a quick and dirty guide to setup multiple Octoprint sessions using Docker in Debian 10. Is there a way like with Cura to keep them in sync? I've got a pretty large homelab/home network with a bunch of servers whose configs I manage using Ansible. 1. I am hoping to grow this to three and then even more printers - is Octoprint the best way to do this? On a real desktop I’m sure you could just run it more than once. Setting up one more instance of OctoPrint. Octoprint not working but pronterface is working? Im trying to place a mks gen l on an ender 3 v2 but whenever I try to connect, it says something along the lines of Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates: Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected. ### Do not use Notepad or WordPad. The FT-6 (with the 32 bit board) connects through /dev/ttyACM0. A reddit for the DOSBox emulator and all forks. Thanks! My old Raspberry Pi (3b) is currently running FOUR instances of Octoprint, working on all 4 of my printers simultaneously. Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a single machine - paukstelis/octoprint_deploy. Here is my guide for using Docker to run multiple instances. In timelape, I use the stabilization feature, which means that after every layer, the extruder will move to a certain position, then the camera will take a picture, and then the print will continue with the next layer. I was looking this up to no avail on the internet. So i had just upgraded my board in my ender 3, which is great and all, but now octo4a is not really. Tape off the 5v pin on your So I have been trying to run 2 Octoprint instances on 1 Raspberry Pi to be able to control 2 printers with just 1 Pi. 2 and 1. I have 5 instances of Octoprint running on 5 Pi's that are managed in that, but I'm only managing the OS, like the apt packages installed, and their updates. I installed two instances of Octoprint on my Pi 3B and while octoprint runs fine, I struggle to get 2 usb camera feeds to work with it. local). Should I: Have separate instances of Octoprint. The PC is a newer machine with 16gb ram, so it shouldn't have issues running two versions of Octoprint. Install Ubuntu 20+, Mint 20. Update OctoPrint/Plugins in one instance, then when ever you are ready, restart the other instances and they will also Running two currently off a pi 3b+ with no issue but admittedly isn’t fluidd and not octoprint but kiauh can be used to install multiple instances of octoprint too. working? when connecting to it from my computer it just says "Could not autodetect your printer" after being stuck on "detecting serial connection". Also note that Docker, while much lighter than a VM, has an over head, but as it has been reported that you can run 3 instances of octopi on a single pi, then two instances and Docker should be okay. Along with making multiple instances very simple, it also has an option in utility menu to do things like sync upload directories between instances, as well as sync users between instances. It offers a great overview over all imports stats Rules: Posts must describe how the project was made, not just a link, or picture, or video that shows the project in use. Right now I have two Prusas, each running a separate Octoprint instance on two separate Pis (3b+) using two unique Octoprint logins, each with unique addresses (octopi-a. It sounds like you are going down the rabbit hole I went down. If you are running Octoprint in https, have you tried to visit Octoprint via the IP address and see if you can view the stream that way? Multi instance Octoprint with Data & Plugin Sharing using Docker Ive set up a multi instance setup of Octoprint using Docker containers, and while this isn't anything new, my setup is using something i have not seen done MakerBot & FlashForge are known to have proprietary connections to most of their printers so they (probably) won't work. The 3CX subreddit is a volunteer run, independent, unofficial LED does not light up I've checked the ribbon multiple times. However, towards the end of last month I updated my whole system, Docker app images, and added printers and a usb hub, now the setup is UNSTABLE (I'm pretty sure I thoroughly tested various power cycles and it was stable for months). local' name is being broadcast via Apple's Bonjour protocol, which windows machines don't support by default. It’s a shame a lot of resources out there for octoprint focus on the rpi rather than other more easily available devices. Octoprint runs on nearly anything, but its an add-on for your chosen OS. 04 server. I created a guide for setting up multiple instances of Octoprint and securing them with TLS and Haproxy. I currently run multiple instances of octoprint on a Pi and a PC. r/prusa3d. 3dprintbegginer has a tutorial on running multiple instances of OctoPrint under docker on a Pi. I can run 12 sessions on a HP Z200 i3 workstation with 4GB ram with ease. 6. I think it is a change in Docker wherein the containers once started do not see the Looking to see if I have set this up the best way. Also like to add that I am running three instances of Klipper on a raspberry pi 3B Plus with mainsail not octoprint but it works great. I've used the utility in the past successfully to make changes to and configure an octoprint instance. octoprint2" Now I'm confused why the settings are getting confused between the two instances at restart they both reset to be the same and the print jobs show up on both. Just more likely. I used to use a Pi3B+ at home till it failed mid term due to the SD dying, then I got in charge of 3 printers at work so I'm using a "server" PC to control them with multiple instances of Octoprint Since I cannot rely on my Pi due to short live of SDs, I switched over an old laptop I had to spare FarmPi can update any OctoPrint instances in a Farm. I just noticed that your test instance is down, but the uptime page is still reporting 100% uptime for some reason. Tape off the 5v pin on your It successfully detected the printer and webcam during instance creation time. Does the raspberry pi camera v2 have an LED? ### Windows users: To edit this file use Notepad++, VSCode, Atom or SublimeText. I have tried to set up 2 cameras on my Ender 3v2 running Octoprint and I can't get it to work at all!!! I have Serial Number) but when I build the Webcam 2 files the USB camera doesn't work, and then the pi camera does not work. javms swje zsuny kyfe dsfj gogkdcl yutny cwucoll egvxj wsqee