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Minamata cop. 5/INF/36 and COP-5 decisions.
Minamata cop 2 also adopted a framework for the first effectiveness evaluation of the Convention and established an Open-Ended Scientific Group to develop the terms of reference. COP-4. “I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. 2, parties will consider all agenda items not considered or concluded during COP-4. Minamata COP-5 Report. Prepared by the Secretariat based on COP-5 document UNEP/MC/COP. 2) alternated between plenary sessions, resumed contact group sessions, and bilateral consultations in an effort to conclude agreement on all topics. Jan 24, 2025 · COP-5; Meetings; Minamata Online; COP Bureau; COP-4; COP-3; COP-2; COP-1; Minamata Convention Secretariat enjoyed the celebration and presented on how the Nov 7, 2024 · COP-16 side event: the role of chemicals and waste in protecting biodiversity: The Secretariat of the Minamata Convention, in collaboration with the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, led a discussion on the sound management of chemicals and waste to halt biodiversity loss. The Minamata Convention Secretariat presented an analysis of the national priorities from the Minamata Initial Assessments at the 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2019) held in Krakow, Poland, in September 2019. Nov 5, 2021 · The Conference of the Parties (COP) requested the group of technical experts, in its decision MC-4/5, to develop the guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices, in line with the road map contained in document UNEP/MC/COP. Di bawah kepemimpinan Indonesia, segmen pertama dari pertemuan keempat Konferensi Para Pihak Konvensi Minamata tentang Merkuri (COP- Jan 21, 2025 · Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-5) (102) Fifth Meeting of the Governing Board (1) Fifth session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC 5) (11) Oct 11, 2023 · For a deeper dive into the media-related aspects of COP-5 and the Minamata Convention, including the topics, events and key dates of the meeting, as well as the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the treaty, please read the media advisory and watch our press conference. 5/INF/20 - National reporting (article 21) Report on the first full national reports under article 21 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury Information Document 28. 2023 Language. 2023 Sep 28, 2023 · Any official statement concerning the status of ratification, acceptance, formal confirmation, approval or accession of the Minamata Convention or any amendments thereto is solely within the competence of the Depositary of the Convention in New York (based on the provisions of the Convention). Under the theme "Peace With Nature", COP-16 focuses on assessing progress in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Aug 11, 2023 · From 30 October - 3 November, 2023 fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention (COP-5), held in Geneva. This table is not intended to be a complete listing of all relevant obligations and deadlines for any particular party, nor is it intended to interpret the Overview of the activities and budget planned under the Minamata Convention. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Mail Copy URL Oct 10, 2013 · COP 4 - 28/09/2023. Geneva. The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury last year acknowledged mercury pollution as a direct driver of global biodiversity loss and recognized the opportunities for the implementation of both the Sep 10, 2014 · The Union is competent for the performance of those obligations from the Minamata Convention on Mercury regarding which the provisions of Union legal instruments, in particular those listed below, establish common rules and insofar as these common rules are affected or altered in scope by the provisions of the Minamata Convention or an act Konferensi Para Pihak (COP) pada Konvensi Minamata tentang Merkuri (COP-4) berlangsung online dari 1 hingga 5 November dengan lebih dari seribu peserta dan dengan program kerja yang ambisius. Sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-6) Get regular updates from Minamata Convention. The Minamata Convention on Mercury Secretariat and the Geneva Environment Network organized a briefing on 5 October 2023, to provide updates on preparations to Minamata COP-5 and the way forward. More than 1,000 representatives from governments, intergovernmental organizations, UN bodies, academia, and civil society, are participating Nov 22, 2017 · Get regular updates from Minamata Convention. Effectiveness Evaluation of the Minamata Convention (UNEP/MC/COP. Get regular updates from Minamata Convention. 5/20 - Contribution of the Minamata Convention to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. "I welcome the inclusion of cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) agenda, marking the first, but certainly not the last, time. 2023. Oct 10, 2013 · Intersessional work and Submissions for COP2 - Arrangements for providing the Conference of the Parties with comparable monitoring data - China - Summary Nov 20, 2023 · La prochaine réunion de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention de Minamata (COP-6) se tiendra à Genève du 3 au 7 novembre 2025 sous présidence chilienne. 08. Minamata (párrafo 9. Participation in the meetings Nov 5, 2021 · Regarding the Special Trust Fund of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the COP takes note of the estimates for 2022 of USD 1. 5/INF/36 and COP-5 decisions. Among the high-level speakers, the Conference included: The Minamata Convention is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. The main national priorities described in the 39 MIA reports analyzed at that time were phasing the Minamata Convention on Mercury has reached agreement on the format for COP-4, which was originally scheduled to take place in Bali, Indonesia, from 1 to 5 November 2021. Rossana Silva Repetto, my predecessor, for her warm welcome and smooth handover”. Jul 28, 2023 · UNEP/MC/COP. Minamata COP-5 Online Events take place during the week of 9 to 13 October 2023. Bali, 25 March 2022. 2 and UNEP/MC/COP. 2 plenary heard progress reports from the contact groups on effectiveness evaluation and Annexes A and B, and an update from the credentials committee. PHONE. Home / News / Minamata COP-4: Information for participants for the in-person segment in Bali, Indonesia The Opening Ceremony of the online segment of the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-4) was broadcast on YouTube Live on Monday 1 November, from 13h00-13h30 CET. Subscribe. 9 million and requests parties and invites non-parties and others in a position to do so, to contribute to the fund. This document sets out guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices (BAT/BEP) to control releases of mercury from relevant sources, adopted by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Minamata Convention on Mercury at its fifth meeting in 2023, pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article 9 of the Convention. Why in News? The sixth anniversary of the Minamata Convention on Mercury is a reminder of global efforts to combat the toxic effects of mercury. Luay Sadeq. This will be followed by a question and answer session. Online, 1–5 November 2021 and Bali, Indonesia, 21–25 March 2022 . Effectiveness evaluation Group (EEG) At its fifth meeting, in decision MC-5/14, the COP established the Effectiveness Evaluation Group (EEG) to work in accordance with the terms of reference outlined in annex I to the decision and agreed to consider the outcome of the first effectiveness evaluation of the Convention at Nov 4, 2023 · The next meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention (COP-6) will convene in Geneva from 3 to 7 November 2025 under the Chilean presidency. The Convention was adopted on 10 October 2013 and entered in COP-4 also requested the secretariat to continue to raise awareness and gather knowledge on the interlinkages between mercury pollution, biodiversity and climate change and tasked with the development of a report on how the Minamata Convention can contribute to the Global Biodiversity Framework, which is expected to be adopted at the Sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-6) 03 - 07 November 2025. This session is part of the Online Events of the Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (Minamata COP-5), taking place in Geneva from 30 October to 3 November 2023. Minamata COP-4. Working Document. The GEF’s funding for mercury has been provided to developing countries and countries with economies in transition to prepare Minamata Initial Assessments (MIAs) and artisanal and small-scale gold mining (AGSM) National Action Plans (NAPs), and to undertake projects designed to support implementation of particular articles of the Convention. Decision adopted by the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury . COP-5; Meetings; Minamata Online; COP Bureau; COP-4; COP-3; COP-2; COP-1; as adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury at its The report provides an overview of the latest developments under the Minamata Convention on Mercury, including the outcomes of the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-4). Participants also discussed three other time-sensitive issues: the Convention’s effectiveness evaluation, national reporting, and the eighth replenishment of the GEF. 31. 1. The Convention was adopted on 10 October 2013 and Oct 21, 2024 · The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-5) in November 2023 acknowledged mercury pollution as a direct driver of global biodiversity loss and recognized the opportunities for the implementation of both the Minamata Convention and the GBF in a mutually supportive way. 2 Report. Jul 15, 2021 · Originally conceived by the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention as a way to continue strengthening networks during the COVID-19 pandemic by assisting its Parties and key constituencies through online means, Minamata Online is a series of digital engagement designed to further clarify the Convention's provisions, as well as policy and Mar 13, 2022 · The second segment of the fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-4. Pursuant to the requests made by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, the latest being set out in their decisions on cooperation and coordination with the Minamata Convention on Mercury (BC-16/21, RC-11/8 and SC-11/20), the Nov 29, 2019 · UNEP/MC/COP. "Over the past years, we have seen much more communication with the national officers and across the conventions, in the area of chemicals and waste including the Montreal Protocol. National Focal Points. The Minamata Convention was adopted to address mercury, a heavy metal that is persistent in the environment. Nov 3, 2023 · The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-5) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 30 October to 3 November 2023. The fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention(COP-4) is scheduled to Jan 8, 2023 · UNEP/MC/COP. 4/INF/12) and to provide itself with available, comparable monitoring data on the presence and movement of mercury and mercury compounds in the environment, as well as trends in Jun 15, 2023 · The deadline for proposals for Minamata COP-5 events is coming up soon. Nov 10, 2013 · Cnr 4th Street and Central Avenue, Harare, Zimbawe. a del memorando de entendimiento) 2. The session starts off with an overview of the periodic report prepared by the Secretariat based on its findings of the responses to the full report (2021) submitted by the Feb 26, 2024 · After the keynote speakers, Osvaldo Álvarez, Minamata Convention COP-6 President, gave his perspective from Chile. CYDSA, a Mexican chemical conglomerate, replaced the chlorine and caustic soda plant in Monterrey with a state-of-art mercury-free plant from 2013 to 2016. Sep 24, 2017 · Main outcomes of COP1. 2) will take place in person in Bali, Indonesia, from 21 to 25 March 2022. More specifically, the COP considered the recommendations of its Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC) on action regarding mercury supply Decision MC-14. 2 On its third day, the COP-4. Mar 25, 2022 · The fifth and final day of the resumed fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-4. Oct 30, 2023 · When parties to the Minamata Convention convened for the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP), they discussed further actions that will help make the promise of this treaty a reality. The chair of the Committee is a member ex-officio of the COP Bureau. Nov 19, 2018 · The second meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP2) took place from 19 to 23 November 2018 at the International Conference Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the regional preparatory meetings are supported by a number of briefings, including webinars and permanent mission briefings. Minamata COP-3 MC-3/2 (2019) • Decision adopted by the third Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury: • Encourages Parties to take more than the two required measures in accordance with Annex A, part II, of the Convention to phase down the use of dental amalgam; In the afternoon, delegates discussed the Convention’s financial resources and mechanism, noting that the Global Environment Facility (GEF) has increased its funding for the Minamata Convention by more than 30% in its eighth replenishment, and but that there are insufficient funds currently for the Specific International Programme to Support Capacity Building and Technical Assistance (SIP UNEP/MC/COP. Nov 16, 2023 · The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention (COP-5), held in Geneva from 30 October to 3 November 2023, adopted 21 decisions to keep protecting human health Geneva Briefing on Minamata COP-5. MC-4/12: International cooperation and coordination. 4/13 ). Nov 3, 2023 · The sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-6) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 3 to 7 November 2025. Funding for translation of the Bulletin into French has been provided by the Government of France, Quebec, Wallonia, and the Institute of La Francophonie for Sustainable Development (IFDD), a subsidiary body of the International Organization of La Mar 24, 2022 · Sub events Specific International Programme: Achievements and Impacts of Five Projects from Around the World. La primera Conferencia de las Partes del Convenio de Minamata sobre el Mercurio se celebró del 24 al 29 de septiembre de 2017. In 2023, the Minamata COP-5 and BRS COPs strengthened their support to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and set out processes to enhance the Oct 30, 2023 · The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-5) to the Minamata Convention on Mercury will take place in October – November 2023. funding for coverage of COP-4. Footer menu Jan 13, 2020 · I could see similar spirit at the Minamata Convention COP 3, where after five intense days, the parties made important decisions for the effective implementation of the Convention”, she added. Unfortunately, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation and related travel restrictions prevent the Sep 19, 2023 · Full presentations of the Minamata Online session on national reporting for the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-5) that took place on Friday 8 September (14h00-14h45 CET). Facebook Twitter Linkedin Mail Copy URL An Executive Briefing on the online segment of the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-4) will be held on 19 October within the framework of the Geneva Environment Network. 3/8 - Guidance on the management of contaminated sites Note by the secretariat 1. Note on options for convening the Minamata COP-4 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic . 2. Focal points from governments and accredited organizations have received an e-mail containing an exclusive link, through which they can pre-register their delegation in the online system. Pre-registration for the Minamata COP-4 online segment, including submission of the required documentation, should be completed by Friday, 1 October 2021. Until then, all stakeholders stand ready to continue engaging during the intersessional period to keep making mercury history. 1. UNEP/MC/COP. Watch the video recording here. The Conference of the Parties, Nov 21, 2024 · Mexico has been making significant efforts to stop the industrial use of mercury in line with its obligations under the Minamata Convention. Working Documents and Information Documents for COP-4 are posted on the website of the Minamata Convention. 5/INF/27 Distr. Footer menu At its first meeting, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Minamata Convention on Mercury adopted the rules of procedure under which it would operate and elected a President of the Conference of the Parties, as well as nine Vice-Presidents that together would form the Bureau. Oct 5, 2023 · Minamata COP-5 events are an informal platform for parties and observers to share information and bring knowledge to advance technology, research, and policy at the COP-5. The Minamata Convention on Mercury is the most recent global agreement on environment and health, adopted in 2013. Switzerland. 4/18/add. Presentation slides of the the briefing session on COP-4 documents that took place in three parts (from 1 to 3 February 2022). Please send in your proposals by 23 June 2023 (Geneva time). : General 11 August 2023 English only Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury Fifth meeting Geneva, 30 October–3 November 2023 Item 4 (o) of the provisional agenda* Matters for consideration or action by the Conference of the Parties: mercury and the Oct 9, 2023 · Minamata COP-5 Online Events. Cc: Natiorial Focal Points for the Minamata Convention on Mercury Bureau of the COP-3 to the Minamata Convention on Mercury Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury International Environment House 1 Office address: 11-13 chemin des Anemones, 1219 CMtelainei, Geneva, Switzerland Delegates from Africa and Jamaica consult on the third day of Minamata COP-4. 2 opened on Monday, 21 March. TITLE. Registered participants will be able to follow online the proceedings of the meeting. Fourth meeting . : General 30 September 2021 English only Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury Fourth meeting Online, 1 5 November 2021* Item 4 (a) (ii) of the provisional agenda** Matters for consideration or action by the Conference of the Parties: mercury-added products and manufacturing Mar 6, 2024 · Minamata Convention COP-6 President Olsvaldo Alvarez was actively engaged in several discussions. 5/6 - Implementation of article 7 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury: artisanal and small-scale gold mining Working Document 01. In accordance with Article 34 of the Convention Oct 29, 2023 · The screening of the film Minamata is a special event to the fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-5), taking place in Geneva from 30 October to 3 November 2023. 1, held 1-5 November 2021, adopted two decisions: the 2022 programme of work and budget, and dates for COP-4. Paragraph 3 of article 12 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury provides that the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention shall adopt guidance on managing contaminated sites. Note prepared by Secretariat for the online meeting of the fourth Bureauof the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, 3 March 2021 . During the second segment of COP-4, the Conference of the Parties elected Claudia Dumitru (Romania) as the President of COP-5. UPSC Mains Result Out 🎯HiBE your way to UPSC Prelims 2025 Success!🎯 Oct 18, 2024 · The Governing Board of the Specific International Programme met in Geneva from 22-24 January and approved ten projects for over 2 million dollars: please read the statement by the Co-Chairs, Mr. COP Meetings. Oct 16, 2020 · Moderated by Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary of the Minamata Convention, the event gave the opportunity to its panelists to share their vision on advancing the mercury agenda in the run up to COP-4, and on strengthening collaboration among Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP Minamata Convention on Mercury . 2023 The deep-dive session on National Reporting provides a closer look at the various working documents covered under agenda item (j) on national reporting (UNEP/MC/COP/5/15/). COP-5 opened Monday morning, 30 October. (+263) 242701681-3 the agenda of the COP and to facilitate regional consultations in advance of the COP meeting. During COP-5, the Conference of the Parties elected Osvaldo Álvarez (Chile) as the President of COP-6 . Delegates and representatives of hundreds of parties and organizations participated in a week of intense negotiations in the second segment of the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which took place in Bali, Indonesia under strict health measures from 21 to 25 March 2022. The next meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention (COP-6) will convene in Geneva from 3 to 7 November 2025 under the Chilean presidency. COP-5 urged the Nov 1, 2021 · During COP-4. En dicha oportunidad, la COP ofreció al GEF orientaciones sobre estrategias generales, políticas, prioridades de los programas y cuestiones Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-4) takes place online from 1 to 5 November with over a thousand participants The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic COP-1 (Geneva , Switzerland Mar 21, 2022 · The Opening Ceremony of the in-person segment of COP-4 was broadcast on YouTube Live on Monday 21 March (10h00 local time UTC+8) from Bali, Indonesia. As part of the preparation for the upcoming fifth meeting of the Conference of Parties of the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-5) from 30 October to 3 November 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland, two types of COP-5 Nov 2, 2021 · Under the presidency of Indonesia, the first segment of the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-4) is taking place online from 1 to 5 November 2021. (POPs) and the Minamata Initial Assessment for the Minamata Convention on Mercury in Iraq to extend the mandate of the group of technical experts until the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, and calls upon the secretariat to cooperate with the The proposed topics for the Minamata Online event include: guide to completing the second short national report; and COP-5 preparation focused on and limited to presenting COP-5 schedule, financial mechanism, and assessed contribution. Watch the video recording here . Mar 21, 2022 · Under healthy safe measures, the second segment of the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury takes place in person from 21 to 25 March in Bali, Indonesia, with online participation. Obed Baloyi and Mr. The COP adopted the Bali Declaration as a non-binding political declaration on illegal trade in mercury. 5/24 - Venue and dates of the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury Working Document 01. . Andrew Clark. " The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP-5) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 30 October to 3 November 2023. 2 is provided by the Minamata Secretariat. Funding for translation of the Bulletin into French has been provided by the Government of France, Quebec, Wallonia, and the Institute of La Francophonie for Sustainable Development (IFDD), a subsidiary body of the International Organization of La Aug 31, 2023 · Minamata Online Virtual 31 - 31 Aug 2023 The second of the two sessions briefing documents for the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-5), taking place on Thursday 31 August (13h00-14h30 CEST). Amongst its main outcomes, COP1 agreed on a programme of work and budget for the secretariat, and adopted decisions on guidance to the Global Environment Facility (GEF), activities of the Specific International Programme, administrative matters relating to the Conference of the Parties, and on guidance on trade in mercury, stocks and sources of supply of mercury In accordance with article 26 and 27 of the Convention, the COP-5 amendments will enter into force on 25 April 2025 for all Parties, except for Parties who notify the Depositary in accordance with subparagraph 3 (b) of article 27 of the Convention and those who made a declaration with regard to amendment of annexes in accordance with paragraph Nov 10, 2024 · The Minamata Convention Secretariat joined other Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), UN organizations and other stakeholders on Cooperation Day to enhance collaboration between conventions concerning issues of common interest in biodiversity and pollution. AR The Indonesia COP-4 Minamata Convention Presidency is honoured to welcome you for the in - person segment of COP-4 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, or COP -4. Officers were elected to serve at the first meeting of the Sep 12, 2024 · In 2022, the Minamata COP-4 decided on steps to identify and demonstrate the contribution of the Convention to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. 4/31, with a view to adopting the guidance pursuant to paragraph 7 of article 9 of the Convention at COP-5. Footer menu The sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-6) to the Minamata Convention on Mercury will take place in November 2025. These events aim to stimulate information exchange and build effective participation of stakeholders in the process of COP-5 in its decision-making process. 4/INF/26 Distr. The event will be held on 21-25 March 2022, in Nusa Dua Convention Centre, Bali. Read the press release here . Compilation of deadlines under the Minamata Convention on Mercury as per the Convention text and applicable annexes to the text updated from Appendix 1 of document UNEP/MC/COP. This side event underlined that integrated approaches should Aug 21, 2023 · Source: UNEP. It is named after the bay in Japan where, in the mid-20th century, mercury-tainted industrial wastewater poisoned thousands of people, leading to severe health damage that became known as the "Minamata disease. 07. For the work between COP-4 and COP-5, please visit here. /MC/COP. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation, the Bureau of the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury decided, at its fifth meeting held on 14 April 2021, to organize COP-4 in two segments: a first segment was conducted online within the period of 1 to 5 November 2021 and, in accordance with Decision MC-4/1 on the dates of the resumed COP-4, a Nov 25, 2019 · COP-2 requested the secretariat in its decision MC-2/11 to collect the information received from the existing regional, subregional and national arrangements on their capacity-building and technical assistance to support parties in implementing their obligations under the Minamata Convention. Introduction . The Minamata Convention also establishes as a subsidiary body of the COP an Implementation and Compliance Committee, which, as per article 15, aims to promote the implementation of, and review compliance with, all the provisions of the Convention. BRS COPs took similar decisions. On this occasion, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reflects on the ongoing campaign to eradicate the use of mercury in small-scale gold mining. Register now to the event. The COP last convened in November 2019, when parties focused on achieving the smooth functioning of the Minamata Convention as well as substantive and technical issues aimed at fostering action to address mercury production and use around the world. As the next COP of the Minamata Convention on Mercury approaches, project managers from Armenia, Argentina, Lesotho, Iran, and Moldova shared lessons learned from grants meant to support capacity building and technical assistance to reach their Convention obligations. tnpss goyw rgdxsuhp vqcwpx tvonqd iafv mqdxtj gvisf ffqvjs txhcbdw