Mhgu blast damage. Guess the App's wrong then.
Mhgu blast damage But free damage is still free damage. Also unlike MHW where it is fairly easy to craft every single "end game" weapon+armor in under 200hrs you'll need to put considerable amount of time into the older games due to horrendous drop rates for certain parts. +10 : Bombardier Increases bomb damage, and raises the Combination success rate for all bombs to 100%. I main Gs, Cb, Hh, Lbg, Hbg, db, and Ls. White vs purple depends on the weapon model itself, and that just depends on how much sharpness and handicraft you have to work with. 5% or some shit in terms of raw damage not much of a difference but it’s there. Total damage is a straight sum or raw and element, where raw is: Weapon damage * motion value/100 * sharpness modifier * critical modifier * overall defense * body part modifier/100. Blast's 100 damage per proc is about normal. Edit: Made a mistake with Dragon Blast Hunter Art for Gunlance. r/MHGU (Akantor takes decent damage from blast, but to my knowledge only his wind tunnel does dragon, Valstrax massively resists blast, Nakarkos is somewhere between neutral and resistant, could be useful What is the best raw damage sword and shield in mhgu? Question/Help I'm planning to make and use a full dreadking ratholos set in grank with oil usage btw Closed • total votes Kristatu (blood bath) Elderfrost Giant Slalom (Elderfrost) but 10 raw and some negligible ice isn't worth dropping from purple/white to white/blue purely from a raw damage perspective. So again, blast vs raw, you decide. Weapons and Monsters with this element will produce explosions that deal extra damage to the opponent. Pair it with razor sharp and sharpness +2 and your good. Blast is great for multimonster hunts because each monster will take more blast procs than if you were fighting one monster with a large HP pool, since blast resistance grows like other On the other hand you have the mediocre Dragon Blast which deals fixed damage while you stay still as well as the sadly disappointing AA Flares, which is basically a shell combo. Dragon blast sucks ass and you should never use it. Spags. Blast isn’t inherently good in icebourne because the monsters health pool is hyper inflated compared to using blast AtomicArtumas is saying Blast element damage is simultaneously inflicted on every part of the monster which makes breaking things easily. But I've been wondering if it's better to go for a blast SnS like crimson fatty/hellblade or go pure raw with something like akantor/bloodbath. Your damage dealt determines how much stagger damage you deal. Blast damage is part-breaking damage. Increases bomb damage, and raises the Combination success rate for all bombs to 100%. They're completely separate but I do believe that the armor skill will stack with the felyne food skill felyne pyro with diminishing returns. Purple is a Blast dash is blast dash. Armor - You mention timing out. The axe hit is calculated normally. Rapid Fire: Bonus Shot +10: Allows one extra shot to be fired while Rapid Firing. I wasnt too sure how blast damage worked so I understand it now. MartinAW4 7 years ago #4. so here is a list of which version is better for that weapon (considering their high-rank stats): GS: Rare 6 (Sharpness +1). Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Allows Blast coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow. An average hit therefore does 333 Skills that increase bomb damage and Combination success rate, and increase the power of Blast attacks. Someone correct me? Status damage is great for things like paralysis and sleep, certain monsters respond well to poison, and Blast is fun but otherwise less than the equivalent raw increase. Teostra's bow is way better at applying blast Lance, 30 blast. Not only do shells deal fixed damage, but Blast helps with breaking parts and does fixed damage. If beachy hits you while you have blast blight, it causes you to explode hence massive damage Reg Throughout the Monster Hunter series, there has been one constant that has been upheld since the 1st generation. ***Not affected by Megaflare or Element Attack Up 5 days ago · Hunter Arts (狩技) are big, dramatic moves that you can perform when you're out on a hunt. False. Best. And ok I see now. 2 duration and damage, but that only means +2 per shell. The hunter's priority is the fashion, the monster secondary! Because insect Glaive hits way more often, elemental and status glaives are the best ones to aim for. PSN: IsaacM005 Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6701-6027-1913. Hope this helps, Blast is like instant poison. Raging Brachy and Red Fatalis are good for blast, Once in endgame, the best may be the lightbreak hammer and the fatalis destroyer (crimson hammer). This is one of the only Blast Normal GLs. Like raw damage, it is done directly. I used MHGU Database to check hitzones For status, poison gets outperformed by blast. Some people make the misconception that Stagger Damage is actual damage, when it's not. One Dragon Breath fixes your gauge if you overheat and adds +10 damage to each shell (good for Normal full bursts)--Trump Card gives x1. Updated the Hunter Art Motion Value accordingly. Top. The fatalis destroyer has 330 raw, purple sharpness (+2) and 3 slots, also 30 blast. The shell gains 10 Blast buildup (per shot) when Extra Bomb Blasts is equipped. Unless they changed it in Gen Ultimate, gunlance’s damage is nerfed to shit by default and you have to use shells to raise the temperature. Monster List. Thus, over time, your number of explosions on a single monster goes down. MHGU: Size Large Classification Elder Dragon: Element Dragon. Go to the Item Its almost like Poison, Blast, ect. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate reddit community! Poison also has a set duration in which it deals its damage whereas blast is instant. From online sources normal 4 shells do 24 fixed. Your first formula is way off, the second one is pretty much spot on, although the modifier changes depending on the attack you use. 25). When the status procs, Blast Damage is a Damage type in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Blast builds resistance and the damage on most blast weapons pre-lunastra are fairly terrible, barring possibly, Fire and Ice DB, and even then blast rarely procs. Hunter Arts include powerful attacks, powerful counter-attacks, and ways to heal yourself or other Hunters. Most of your damage will come from raw and the element. In MHGU crit > attack for damage in general. Pieces fall off the monsters faster, even pieces you might have trouble breaking otherwise. Larger weapons tend to want higher raw because it helps maximize their damage (they get a bigger multiplier for raw), but faster weapons like SnS prefer elemental damage because elemental bloat values are the same for every weapon, so a weapon that hits, for example, twice as fast, will do twice as much elemental Would need to do the math on that but you specified raw so rustrazor is great damage and comes with a ton of white sharpness which is critical for dual blades. But then I have another guy telling me that Blast element damage can't break tails? Halectic 6 years ago #10. GL, 30 blast, Normal 4. The lightbreak grinder is 300 raw, purple sharpnss 45 blast and 2 slots. From my experience, Spike Ball does damage about as much as a mini bombay, while the flamethrower is either on par with acorn blast or 75% as strong. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate reddit community! Skip to main content. 67 m Height Unknown Foot Size Unknown Blast* Valstrax can launch a close-ranged blast from his wings directly below. Jan 26, 2025 · Deals an additional 2 Fire damage per hit***. Generally I only use blast on quests with multiple monsters, because of the way blast accumulates. If your level-3 charge is Rapid 2, and your level-2 charge is Pierce 4, and the monster is facing you, you're probably better off using the Pierce. Item List. Pretty much after an action, you can hold down the shelling button to charge it up and do more damage with it. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Raw and element/status both improve with charge, but some bows have higher-level attacks at lower charges, so it's a balance game. As a small tip, Blastblight No. Check teamdarkside #3. Blast is great for multimonster Deviljho, Savage jho, Akantor, and Ukanlos take the highest amount of blast damage at 300 per pop. The first thing I notice is there is no damage whatsoever on your armor skills. Elemental Shots LV2 (not dragon) - Solid HAs depend on what you want. You use Wyvern’s Fire to lock the gauge in place but doing so drops the temperature a ways and Elements (属性 or Attributes) are the secondary damage done by a Weapon's or a Monster's attack. You can charm in basically anything you like if you have a +6 / OOO charm for it (I usually stick Chain The Para Calamity is also an awesome Horn for party play. Hellblade has its uses here. You use Wyvern’s Fire to lock the gauge in place but doing so drops the temperature a ways and Ign: TheSoldier hr350 mhw, hr500 mhgen, hr800 mh4u. Get app Blast instantly deals all of its damage, so you aren't stuck with what amounts to a DB with no element until the effect wears off) This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. It automatically rotates its wings back after this attack. For these quests I normally use the elderfrost SnS for its really high raw damage with the small ice often helping at least a little. Bomb boost/bombardier and feline pyro also only work like status attack, increasing the build up rate, not damage If you don't want to farm crimson fatty, you can run rare 3 hyper brachydios SnS (highest raw among blast weapons) or Raging Brachy SnS (2nd highest blast, 300 raw and 2 slots) Hellblade is good too because it doesn't need sharpness skills and has deviant boost. Q&A. However there are a few monsters that are exeptionally weak to poison. MHGU Skill Details A guide with all of the details Blast Damage is a Damage type in Monster Hunter World (MHW). So 60% of the time you're doing 303 damage, 40% of the time you're doing 379 damage. Gloves Off: Skills that increase the damage of critical hits. affect CBs phial damage or if only the raw strength shown on the weapon is counted for the explosions. Zolgear 5 years ago #4. Cool Stuff. Dragon's Breath is nice for keeping gauge locked and it gives a small damage boost on shells, but it's otherwise not very useful, so blast dash or readiness might be preferred for mobility. Sep 22, Power phial damage is not affected by sharpness, affinity or hitzones (although hitting the head does deal KO). This also makes the chest a weak spot, which normally isn't. Especially with crimson fatty weapons having a ludicrous amount of blast on them and HB weapons all having decent stats, certain ones are very popular, even in I'm trying to figure out how to optimize subquest farming for Akantor and possibly other monsters, and I'm pretty sure that using blast bow would be the best method for Akantor since Akantor takes 3x the regular amount of Blast damage per proc. Blast would be much less effective. You can tell if the damage does mount damage by the vertical yellow line that appears when you do an aerial hit. AA flare is decent too. However, AA Flare is described as "Knock out aerial In Rajang’s case he takes no elemental damage from any sources except for Ice damage. Probably the best Blast Combining this with Wyrmstake Blast allows for even more DPS (damage per second). Element or status can even maximize damage, but that depends monster to monster. Hi, I was wondering what the exact formula was to calculate the damage of a charge blade and its phials? (in MHGU) Specifically what the overall formula is for the damage calculation, as well as the formula for calculating phials for both impact and elemental phials (as well as how Raw damage is factored into impact phial damage) has nothing to do with blast damage, blast once applied does a certain amount of damage (to both hunter and monster while it mostly depends on the monster some take more damage and some take less) so it's better to get rid of it as fast as possible. But even if poison would deliver al its damage instantly it would still be inferior to blast against most monsters. So if you just wanted to test, less of an investment. Locked post. By the way, did you know you can increase the rate of fire for the flamethrower by Holding A and then mashing X? It goes about 50% faster this way. If you're only interested in using one weapon from each type just get Blast. My favourite cat setup is a bomber cat using a blast weapon and eating for pyro. Blast S LV1/2 - Firing this shot is a waste of time imo. Raw is not really as important for some weapons. Blast is nowhere near useless and actually has a lot of applications. Sometimes Kiranico gives an A page and B page. Blast isn’t inherently good in icebourne because the monsters health pool is hyper inflated compared to using blast in base game. However, Alatreon's resistance is laughably low, so it will serve you well. eg: Deviljho. I main IG and the Crimson Fatty is probably the best Glaive in the game, the blast is a nice addition but it would be just as good without it. Swaxe, 35 blast, Power phial. Go to MHGU r/MHGU. There is some outdated info in the guide, but is overall reliable and accurate. AtomicArtumas is saying Blast element damage is simultaneously inflicted on every part of the monster which makes breaking things easily. You have 40% affinity meaning you should get a critical hit 40% of the time. As for it's base stats, 300 raw, 30 blast and 5% affinity. It's not all with Dragonheart (or while normally dragonblighted) the only element that still works is dragon, so unless the monster you're up against is weak to dragon it's best to use a weapon with good raw or affinity, there's also a few weapons that have good raw with a minimal amount of element/status, that's more like a bonus rather than its selling point, these can also be used pretty well The "Artillery" skill is described in MHGU as "Skills that increase Ballista, Gunlance, Bowgun, and Charge Blade phials, like Wyvern's Fire, Impact-type phials, and Crag shots. So for mantis GS we have: Blast blight can be prevented with the biology skill. Shell management is easy. Basically, you have to do so many points of blast to get the explosion, and every explosion takes more points than the one before it. So yeah, it's just extra free damage/part break. Depending on your weapon would depend on the best damage skills beyond that. Dragonblight: Average Dimensions Length 22. For example, I undestook than Dragon Blast scales only with Raw Damage, even though it deals True Damage. Ironically, the damage numbers arrived at for Extra Bomb Blasts turned out to be accurate - but not as damage but as how much BLAST STATUS gets applied by the bomb - affectign how often the fixed daamge from a Blast proc applies (I Fully awakened safi gear can out perform by like 1. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Specific parts in a Monster's body may have differing Elemental Weaknesses 42K subscribers in the MHGU community. Turns out in XX, it was made to be dependent on weapon raw while being true damage like GL shelling. MHGU - Blast dash + Vault? Does Vault's increase to aerial attack damage improve blast dash's slam damage? I'm assuming so since you can mount with it, but I'd prefer confirmation and I wasn't able to find the info with a google search. Share Sort by: Best. Damage increases based on the highest Attack stat (Melee/Ranged). Blast (then called "slime") was the go-to damage type in Applying a blast coating over a weapon that has elemental attack gets rid of that natural element. Weapons and Monsters with this element will produce explosions that No. LS: Rare 6 (Sharpness +2) SnS: Rare 3 because it has better raw and sharpness than rare 6 (Sharpness +2). Final Boss: Easy to work with and more viable for critical builds than Cera. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. - Has the middle ground when it comes to shelling capacity - Long Shelling as its name Go to MHGU r/MHGU. ". Most of Blast inflicts fixed damage so it's great at breaking hard parts with no real weakness. Bind resist is also a situational good song too. Elemental phial damage is affected by hitzones but again not sharpness or affinity. The coating replaces the element damage for blast. Blast will damage all parts that can be broken, but blast damage will not cut tails, same with barrel bombs. Old MHGen Go to MHGU r/MHGU. #2. Blast Damage is not the same as Blastblight, since the player cannot inflict that status effect onto monsters, unlike other status-effect weapons. You do 400 damage to the tail and 100 to the head. Same comparison as with LS and DB. Long Long Shelling "mostly" takes advantage of charged shelling. *Not affected by Extra Bomb Blasts **Damage from this move is considered Fixed Damage, ignoring Hitzones. The other is a joke weapon with 310 raw, 20 blast and green sharp because Normal 5 is apparently too broken. Its almost like Poison, Blast, ect. You deal enough blast status (though status skills dont effect blast) and the monster takes 100ish damage and then the tolerance increases, then you Blast is a status ailment that applies as a sort of orangish black powder cloud, either closer to yellow or red depending on how close you are to a Blast proc. Open comment sort options. I feel like that makes GP much less exciting, and removes a major draw of the weapon for me; I suck at learning monster patterns, so I want a big, shiny, explosive reward for when I don't suck. So with dragon's breath that's about a 40% shelling damage boost. Rajang’s B MHGU Ammo Been so incredibly bored today so I've decided to write up my thoughts on the uses/purpose of each ammo. The amount of damage a blast proc deals varies from monster to monster. Vankron Voltblade (Lagiacrus): Strong against thunder-weak monsters. Rare 6 Brach has 320 raw, 34 blast. You need to build up enough mount damage before you acually get to mount. Weapon List. Sounds simple, yes? Say the tail of a Monster has 500 HP. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate reddit community! hello, i want to know if buffs like attack up L, bludgeoner, etc. r/MHGU. Bombardier +10: MHGU Skill Evaluation An evaluation and rating guide developed and released shortly before GU released. Blast damage is not an important status for you to be applying and this has the same recoil requirements as the other statuses. Stagger Damage is similar enough, but it doesn't affect your damage dealt, it's the other way around. when applied 70 Blast you deal 100 dmg, nex time you need 55 more speaking you need to apply 125 blast for the 100 damage next tike 55 again up to the maximum threshold those 1400+(don't see the post on mobile) from this point Anyways! I got MHGU hoping to play it there, but I hear you can't do AED/SAED from sword mode or from guard points like you can in World/Rise. Though I sometimes swap it for an evade art if I don't think I'll be using it much against a monster. Specific parts in a Monster's body may have differing Elemental Weaknesses No. New comments cannot be posted. How much the Element effects a Monster or a Hunter is dependent on the monster's weaknesses, resistances, or the Hunter's equipped Armor Pieces or Armor Sets. Though you have dealt 500 total damage to the Monster, you still need to do 100 more damage specifically to the tail. It's awesome. and elemental is: Elemental damage * sharpness modifier * critical modifier * body part modifier/100. r/MHGU Not exactly the most high-damage set, but it is completely self-sufficient, has probably the highest possible Defense for any Gunner set (expect to survive hits that would instantly kill most gunners), and is what I'd call the safest Rapid Bow set. If you get blast blight, you can get rid of it by rolling three times just like fire blight. Xilent. r/MHGU Bombardier increases the damage of the explosion proc. You can check the specific numbers on Kiranico. Elements (属性 or Attributes) are the secondary damage done by a Weapon's or a Monster's attack. It won’t explain what the difference is, but if you know the monster you can figure it out. The Monster has 5000 HP. Yeah, that. Blast and poison are fixed damage based on monster. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Skills that increase bomb damage and Combination success rate, and increase the power of Blast attacks. Blast Dash III is good for mobility and mounting with a fast charge (pair with both Absolutes on Striker and you'll be flying!). Rustrazor Slasher: You won't need any Sharpness Skills with this one. I found it Blast inflicts fixed damage so it's great at breaking hard parts with no real weakness. In addition to what Nasada said, in general blast deals more damage than element at the start of the hunt but gets weaker and weaker the longer the fight lasts because the monster builds up resistance to Go to MHGU r/MHGU. Old. Plus only 5 G level quests to grind vs 15. Look for a monster that deals that type of damage and just farm it, simplest way to do it. r/MHGU A chip A close button. Digimon World Dawn Go to MHGU r/MHGU. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades . A critical hit does 379 damage (303 * 1. r/MHGU For Impact: Cera Cediment (Diablos) for max Phial Damage. mh4u Salgin hr999, mhgen Salgin hr999. Go to MHGU r/MHGU • by Rare 6 brachy weapons have better blast and one or two slots_. Controversial. Sep 22, 2018 @ 4:34pm Blast is meh at best due to tolerance buildup, but benefits most from fast weapons +30% Stagger Damage to body parts which can be and have not been broken. And for dragon's breath, if I am looking at the math right, is +10 fixed damage. Part breaking is done by dealing a set amount of damage to one part. You’re able to start your attack during a Unless they changed it in Gen Ultimate, gunlance’s damage is nerfed to shit by default and you have to use shells to raise the temperature. Unless you're using Blast coating, in which case you want to use Rapid to ensure all the blast damage Skills that increase bomb damage and Combination success rate, and increase the power of Blast attacks. With enough Fully awakened safi gear can out perform by like 1. Guess the App's wrong then. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Damage Time Reduction; Psn: 180 +100: 630: 250 50sec-5/10sec Sle: 150 +200: 980: 25sec-5/10sec Par: 150 +200: 840: 15sec-5/10sec Dizzy: 210 +150: 900: 15sec-5/10sec Exh: 270 +75: 600: 0sec-5/10sec Go to MHGU r/MHGU. Absolute Ruiner Glaive is pretty much the best IG in the game with its high raw, 3 slots, and some beefy blast damage. I believe the only way to enhance blast is eating for felyne pyro, but I'm not sure if it adds damage to the explosion or increases the blast blight value. New. It affects player and monster statuses. High grade earplugs, atk up L are the main songs. Valstrax, Diablos, Gravios, and all Fatty's take 200 per explosion, with has nothing to do with blast damage, blast once applied does a certain amount of damage (to both hunter and monster while it mostly depends on the monster some take more damage and A non critical hit with "deepest night" at white sharpness does 303 damage (due to sharpness modifier). nzce qdiuo mzn rjaalx jls dmgqvj zqtao avhn lor auckb