How can you change a attribute of field using inheritance in odoo. Pass your custom class and existing class like this.
How can you change a attribute of field using inheritance in odoo g. The field right now sets required to True whether Partner is If you did not set your development config with "--dev=xml" or "--dev=all" , you might need to restart and upgrade the module to activate your change. Char('Remarks', size=100) I need in my view for perticular assignee if i enter project name in field project manager should be Field attributes in Odoo allow developers to customize the behavior, presentation, and logic associated with different types of data within models. When you try to do the same thing from your own module, your /key,value/ just gets ignored. So, I want to change these Hi, This can be achieved using two views, one main view and the other one is inherited view(for which we will set user group). relativedelta(days=10) The above code will add 10 days to today's date, similar you can change month and year. but it doesn´t take any change when reload the form Anyone know how to inherit the base field and add tracking without change its nature or behaviour or any other way to do it. The fields_get method returns a dictionary of field definitions, and you can access the string value of the privacy field from the dictionary. The classic inheritance where we use both _name and _inherit attributes together. It is recommended to use the later as it offers more functionalities. I read in other posts that the only way to do this is declaring a new menuitem with the same ID of the menuitem you want to change. Only by using the public/default/protected accessor methods defined in class A. you don't need to rewrite all attributes in your extension. Percentage Pie: displays the value inside a can you dumb it down so I could understand :) I edited the question with the code I tried. type = fields . But for some reason this is not working. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am trying to edit a parent class attribute in subclass. I'd like to change the label of a couple menu options. By using delegation inheritance, we may integrate a new model with your current model without altering the views. for a simple field you can xpath with the //field[@name='] for a field in label it's more complcated , you have to find the Friends, Need to remove this option from pop up manyone fields. Something like, @api. Hi All, I have fields, owner_user_id = fields. We can also inherit single field of existing modules. making fields readonly,invisible) I really need to add an additional 'state' value on my Sale Order object. Odoo provides two inheritance mechanisms to extend an existing model in a modular way. Example : I need to color sale order in yellow color if the field state ='draft' and in blue if state='sale', Hi All, I have fields, owner_user_id = fields. How can I customize or add extra column field in Invoice. Personally i think your code shown as your image looks good. This will give you only date from datetime field. 1. default_group_by="state" Now I know how to add/replace a field or add an attribute, but is it Just inherit from the model and define the field again to override it, then you can remove states totally. I've tried the docs, the web and this help forum and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The _get_view method will be called when the view of the object is rendered on the screen. So the problem is that i only know how to replace the full <page> filed with all of its content - so i would have to copy and paste all of the content of the page field to my new inherited view also - not a good way for me! So is there a way to only change the attributes of a field (xml node) through an inherited view? 4 days ago · Automatic Fields¶. I have one question,the question is that suppose I have a field of type selection in my class model. Char('Remarks', size=100) I need in my view for perticular assignee if i enter project name in field project manager should be Either use attrs in XML or if your condition is complex then you can create a boolean field, change its value from onchange / compute field and use it in attrs. _____ # -*- Hi Russ Schneider, You can do this by using group. env['your. The store attribute can be set to True to store the computed value after inheriting it you change the form view as you like, In Odoo/OpenERP we can inherit or use existing modules object/class/model and views. Hope it may help in your case. It is simple possible using define _constraints for that field. Selection ([ ( 'o' , 'O - Original' ), ( 'a' , 'A - Amended' )], string = "Is this an Original Invoice or Amended Invoice ?" **i have this solution** def get_string_value_of_selection (): if Hello Community, I am writing some code that changes the value of a field in all the lines of a sales order. data = "abc" class Bar(Foo): def We shall only use the _inherit attribute and not the _name attribute when using the extension kind of inheritance. Hello, I am using Odoo 15 and would like to know if it is possible to set the background color of record in a tree view based on condition. 2) Inherit the view and over there change the "string" attribute of it. role = # your role field definition hide = field. The purpose of inheritance or why we need inheritance is given below: To change attributes of some fields which exists on existing/custom model (e. You can add a new field in tree view usig view inheritance. Char(related='status. 0. raw_value}};" Hello everyone,I hope all of you are fine. 6 days ago · The decorator model() is necessary for the create() method because the content of the recordset self is not relevant in the context of creation, but it is not necessary for the other CRUD methods. raw_value}};" Fields can also be computed. Just checks: attrs="{readonly': [('name_template','!=','Shipping')]}" ( Note: In v8 you can use this: name_template= fields. Menu Action Buttons Context & Domain Context & Domain List Views Search View Filters and Group by View Inheritance Form Style Kanban View Graph View Pivot View Cohort View Gantt View Activity View then we cannot change the field one thing I found in V14 is that if you define a string value to a field in the XML the minimum width is set based on that string value rather than autosizing. Hi, I would recommand that you create a related and stored field: status_name = field. Re-declare the field in the python file with required=False. model' with the actual model name where the privacy field is defined. You can just change the default_order attribute of Tree View (This way you can have different order by based on each tree view for that specific model) <tree default_order="name"> - And can inherit base view with following syntax (Descending example) <xpath expr="//tree" position="attributes"> Every object has some attributes. lines fields, basically the quantity. t-attf-style="background-color: {{record. i used widget="selection". because once a field is declare required=True in python it set to be required in database also, but the same is not true in case of xml. This won't work for example: Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Model): _name = "product. py file and make the field as invisible in the view. Therefore, the database tables will contain fields in your model and also a field representing the inherited object. In that you can define python function to manage validation. THANK YOU You can use tracking system on fields, allowing you to log changes to specific fields in the record’s chatter. <field name="property_account_position" position="attributes"> <attribute Odoo has two inheritance techniques that allow you to modularly extend an existing model. The change is reflected in the model when I go and check the DB structure. You can find out what the existing class is by using something like firebug or just "view source". In register payment wizard , I added 2 fields. _constraints = [ _check_function, "Message of wrong entry", ['field1 . In addition, the new models get all methods and fields from Here's how we can implement this in Odoo using classic inheritance: In this example, we define a new class called "SaleProduct" that inherits from the "ProductProduct" class using the _inherit Within this group, we use the position="after" attribute to position the 'Mobile' field after the 'Phone' field. However, you can compute field and place it to the form. Example : I need to color sale order in yellow color if the field state ='draft' and in blue if state='sale', Create a new module or identify the existing module where you want to make the changes. sorted() sample code: records. i have done this successfully but it is exist on its original place (group) where it was in Extra Info tab. Many2one('res. line . 1:- Packaging 2:- Packaging Quantity Because both options not available in Print Invoice/Invoice form layout instead of Sale. The first inheritance mechanism allows modules to modify the behavior of a model defined in an another module by: adding fields to the model, To do this, we need to add a field to the res. i have an inherited view of sale. You may have noticed your model has a few fields you never defined. filtered(lambda r: r. This inheritance is employed when we want to expand the current model by including additional fields or functions. 0, the 'sale_stock' module does exactly that already. Before Odoo 16, the method utilized for this purpose was 'fields_view_get'. You can initialize the state of the Foo class from the Bar class and then append to the data like so: class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self. I want another field employmenttype have the attribute required=True if the employmentstatus='employed' or required=False if the employmentstatus='unemployed'. attribute. The same thing also happened at "view_attendance_tree" view at hr_attendance module of Odoo V13 CE. You can do this by 2 ways. Selection ( selection = [( 'n' , 'Normal' ), ( 'abn' , 'Abnormal' )], string = 'my field' ) Now suppose I want that when the user selects Abnormal option from the selection field,the text displayed to the 2 days ago · Monetary: it is similar to using the Monetary field. For example, I want to change the name of the main menu option *Sales* (crm). order. We shall only use the _inherit attribute and not the _name attribute when using the extension kind of inheritance. Here is the view's code: If you are using odoo studio, you can add a conditional invisible attribute for the field. lead model to not be required without changing in the actual crm model. *1) Domain is typically set in XML view like this : * domain="[('id', 'in', ['1','2','3','4','5'])]" Here, I provide five ID's manually for the example. So, you can manage as you want llike value shouldn't "0" or value must follow any special pattern. view_order_form. Note that any leading or trailing spaces are trimmed - someone could try a non-viewable character and see if that works. model']. For this kind The inherit id attribute in an extension view serves as a parent reference. Since version 7. If you are comparing two dates then those two date need to be present there. Additionally, we use another xpath expression to replace the entire group with the name Basing on what's happening, it's calling the base class method with the base class variables. making fields readonly,invisible) To add/modify/delete old or new fields in existing/custom model (e. i want to move Mobile field from Extra Info tab to main, below Phone field (from one Group to Another). I want to make By using this approach, you can add fields and features to an existing model without actually subclassing it. Odoo creates a few fields in all models1. how i can actually move or what is better way? please check my code and advise/help how to Move it I'm trying to change the name field in the crm. sorted(key=lambda r: r. value" _order = 'id asc' But I am not sure whether we can change the order according to the selection. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Thanks Niyas! It actually looks like setting it on "attrs" doesn't work in the framework for V13 while your answer does. Enable studio, click on field then click on condition near the invisible attribute and set your condition. raw_value. Its arch field comprises a number of XPath components that choose and modify the content of their parent view rather than a single view: <record Private field a in class A is kind of inherited to B but B can't access it directly. I have a selection field in the res. I want to know if it's possible to set the field type/value in derived class and then call the base class method? because they just have the same implementation but i am struggling to modify CRM Lead form view via inheritance. Instead of changing from the _order attribute from Python File. Additionally, the new model replaces the old one. Boolean field in the corresponding model and using this field value you can make the other field invisible. company_id == user. Hello, Hilar! I tried doing what you said and it works after installing the module! Before I tried it, I only override the attribute and not the field itself then installed the module which didn't work. For making it's non required:. field_string = self. Char('Project Name') project_manager = fields. I know how to achieve this from the user interface, but it's better to do it through code. menu_id = menu_id product_id = fields. In this case, the field’s value is not retrieved from the database but computed on-the-fly by calling a method of the model. in general wml view inhertitance, you have to check if the line you wan to "xpath" is a field or a fiel into a div label. Inside your module, create a new XML file, let's call it views/assets. Just you need to inherit of product form view and need to mention group_id and then you can make field readonly and editable. 2 Extension. In the main view, you can set the required field attributes for all users and then create an inherited view and set user group for it, then inside this inherited view, you can change the field properties as per need for this user group. Date. Suppose following is the field : q_test = fields. In such situations, we can use the _get_view function to dynamically change the field string. users', string='Project Manager',index=True, track_visibility='always') remarks = fields. *2) Another method to set the same domain is to write a Thanks for answering Hardikgiri. 1) Redefine that field in the custom module and change the string of it. Overwrite the definition by rewriting it again (payment_term_id = fields. The computation method should set the value of the computed field for every record in self. py file. However, the form is viewed with the base model field string which is "Quantity"! The xml file does not give any string name to the field, so it The field user_id is assigned by default to the current user so it will be assigned to the creator. Pass your custom class and existing class like this. To add tracking to a field, simple set the tracking attribute to True. In the python code I tried to change the name of one of the invoice. order has this definition for this field But if I want to make this field readonly I have several ways: Add attrs readonly in view. class Hello everyone, Based on the Odoo documentation for Odoo v12, there are 2 functions that helps me filter and sort lists. Reference: the documentation related to this topic can be found in Automatic fields. You can define your validation as like below. I'm trying to modify a view from the CRM module from a custom module with no luck. users', string='Assignee') project_name = fields. use xpath to find the field you want to modify, then your code will work. In your function you will need to identify the id of the record on your related model and assign the value of your field to that id. py only views in xml. They want to inherit and change all "Hr Attendance Search" tag, but this tag has only string attribute to call in inherited file. multi def _compute_menu_id(self): for obj in self: # the logic to define menu_id for this object obj. The first inheritance mechanism allows modules to modify the behavior of a model defined in an I'm trying to change the name field in the crm. In Odoo/OpenERP we can inherit or use existing modules object/class/model and views. These fields are managed by the system and can’t be written to, but they can be read if useful or necessary: Jul 6, 2022 · Additionally, we utilized the parent model's features in this case rather than changing its fields, methods, etc. name_template', store=True, readonly=True) ) This can help you Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Sign up Nov 17, 2022 · You can extract Date from the DateTime type field by create_date. , without impairing its operation. I can't seem to inherit the model in . company_id) The code above will allow me to filter records whose company is the current user's company 2. Instead, you can simply use the 'inherit' keyword followed by the name of the view or model you wish to inherit, and then make the necessary changes to it. and When I click Assign to field, It shows a list of users with dropdown. In the above code, you can see there is Hi, If you search inside the odoo source code for the usage of relativedelta you will get a lot of such samples. I want to make changes to fields that appear in many views, yet are the same field in the . I want to make fields invisibles according to 'move_type', using : attrs='{"invisible":[('move_type', '=' ,'in_invoice')]}' Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. some fields need to remove this feature). so please help me to find a solution. The purpose of inheritance or why we need inheritance is given below: To change attributes of some fields which exists so to make it as per the entered value, either you have to override the model and add a new _order to inherit model you have to just add. The first inheritance mechanism allows modules to modify the behavior of a model defined in an another module by: adding fields to the model, I am using odoo 9, and I have inherited the invoicing module. (not in all fields. date(). So if a user changed the category_id in one sale order line, other lines should be change this categ_id as well. partner model which is employmentstatus and the options there are employed or unemployed. Many2o. How can I resolve this issue. It is also important to note that even though we can directly override the unlink() method, you will almost always want to write a new method with the decorator ondelete() instead. But I'd like to change its order to DESC. To create a computed field, create a field and set its attribute compute to the name of a method. I can use states ={'draft': [('readonly', False)]} or I can use required = True directly I wonder if there is another way to resolve this, for However, when inheriting an existing view or model, Odoo already knows the name of the model or view being inherited, so there is no need to specify it again using the '_name' variable. Percentage: displays a percent character % after the value. suppose user select 'o' i want to print O - Original please provide me any better solution. By the way, if you want to locate to a specific field, you can try using directly the field element locator : I've been trying to modify project object. otherwise you will mess with other things. However, in Odoo 16 and Odoo 17, 'fields_view_get' has been renamed to '_get_view'. lead_days_date = fields. Greetings! In odoo 13 the model sale. Many2one Create this related field field in the sale. then my domain filter not working. I want my parent class to have some string, and my subclass should add some extra data to that string. The values on other lines are not updated and stay the same like nothing happened. filted() sample code: records. name', store=True, copy=False) and then in your xml you put this: I've been trying to modify project object. Currently, from the debugging interface, I can see that my inherited views are being created alongside the views they are meant to modify and end up being straight copies of the inherited view with no modifications. xml, and add the following code: I have this kanban view that has this attribute: default_group_by="stage_id" I want to inherit this view and change this attribute with another variable. Char(related='product_id. In Odoo, each model, field, etc. I will post my findings here in case it would help anyone. . i am trying to change the domain of partner_id in this new inherited form. Boolean(string='Hide You can not use the result of methods in a domain, since the used domain criteria (field) should be present on a view. it should, can you edit your question and show exactly how you're doing iti also made an edit to my answer Call field from inherited model Odoo v9 community. only the ones you need to modify. users model and adapt its view to show it. If the assigned to field will not change by anyone you can set it to read only and force_save to 1. Only string attribute is defined and to change it they use this way. use . today() + relativedelta. B is A so it always You can set it in xml by inheriting the original view and setting the required attribute of a field. If you accessing create_date, record must be saved first. making fields readonly,invisible) To add/modify/delete old or Hello, I am using Odoo 15 and would like to know if it is possible to set the background color of record in a tree view based on condition. To change attributes of some fields which exists on existing/custom model (e. color_field. In ODOO if a field is set as required=True in python file the you can't marked it as required=Flase in xml file. fields_get(['privacy'])['privacy']['string'] In the above code, replace 'your. In the delegation inheritance, we use the _inherits attribute. name) The code When you create a new module and if you want to inherit the fields in the basic view you need to call the reference of the form view. Is there any other alternative to achieve this? As I found out, this seems to be an old time issue from two years ago as explained in this thread [1] This has worked for me. My reason is that you are supposed to be able to do that and I would like to know how to do it properly in the new API. If you wish to use something dynamic you can define a function which will set the default for the field in your record. class ProductAttributevalue(models. In addition, this type of inheritance is used if you want to sink another model to your current model without affecting the views. I tried but I can't. , has some properties that are attributes. Product, Sales, HR, Fleet Management, Attendance modules model etc) We can also add buttons in already existing/custom model (form and tree) view by using inheritance After many attemps and reading a lot here, I was finally able to set the domain of a field dynamically using a function. i have following selection fields in my module i want to get string value of selection field. If you need to do from code, you can achieve it using attrs attribute, see a sample code: attrs="{'invisible': [('state','!=','paid')]}" Thanks To do this, we need to add a field to the res. I want to be able to override the string in my inherited model inside my class, not in the xml view. xyi vvroxk hngzlf caeb ajks ptph chvfnx wmzivop uged hzmmli